Another very late birthday gift is done! This is done with a Sweet Romance Jelly Roll by Moda (April Cornell) and the pattern is Zig Zag by Elizabeth/Late Bloomer Quilts. I discovered Elizabeth's patterns about a year ago and fell in love with everything she does but especially this pattern. I'm not kidding when I tell you that this pattern has been on the floor by my bed since I ordered it from Elizabeth oh so long ago. LOL When I was digging through my patterns and
Let me tell you why this particular birthday gift is very late (it was suppose to be a gift for Sept '06). Over the last 3 years I've been making quilts for the girls in my sewing group for at least one of their birthdays. They don't have any say over the fabric or pattern I choose. Nor do they know which birthday they will finally receive a quilt from me. I don't think I've ever given them a completed quilt on their actual birthday just the fabric and/or partially completed top with big promises that I will finish it very soon. Well, last year I gave my friend a gift bag with some cute novelty prints and a background fabric with promises that she would have a quilt very soon. She was very disappointed in my fabric selection and didn't fail to let me know how unhappy she was. I chose what reminded ME of her but she just didn't like any of it and when we started discussing the size of the quilt she didn't hide her disappointment when I told her that it would be a throw size (like everyone else got). Needless to say now I was unhappy and certainly have not felt like working on her quilt. Guess what???? Another birthday came along in September and I still had not worked on her quilt from last year. Sigh! I finally decided that I needed to go Plan B - forget the plan to use the novelty prints and I bought the Sweet Romance Jelly Roll and got busy yesterday afternoon. I need to quilt it, bind it and call it DONE!!!!
By the way, the Fresh Air quilt I showed you on Sunday was also an overdue birthday gift for another friend in the same quilt group.
Two very late birthday quilts DONE!!!!
While I've been trying to get these obligations out of the way I've also been helping some friends get ready for Fall Quilt Market at the end of the month. Whew - it's been a busy October and it's only the 9th.
I looked in my mailbox and I have 482 e-mails that need attention. If you're waiting for a response from me please be patient with me for a bit longer I'm going as fast as I can.
Thanks for visiting - come again!
In Friendship!
Darlene, Darlene, so generous, and always busy for others ! You're such a sweet, generous person, my friend ! I don't know how you manage to make all this and I'm so admirative... When will you make something especially for YOU ? ... but then you wouldn't be the same sweet Darlene we know, would you ? -Smiles -
480 messages to handle ??? Oh my goodness, to think I panic when I see 20 of them in my mailbox !LOL
OK, 10 a day, and you'll be done by next month, LOL LOL...
I'm sending a very biiig ((HUG)) and smiles to you !
Fantastic quilt, you get so much done!! You are one kind and generous friend, the members of your group are certainly blessed beyond measure~
Now I know why you have MIA...LOL
You are one very kind and generous soul my friend! I'm glad you were able to get those finished. :)
Looks like a sweet quilt . . . hope she likes it *s*
Wow, you're on a roll! Busy bee is what you are! I do like the quilt. Then again, I'm bias as I like everything that you do! although I admire people who are able to speak their minds, sometimes I'm taken aback by their boldness. Working in a quilt shop taught me to never ask anyone to choose fabric for their quilt. What horor stories I could tell! More so if they are not quilters! I can certainly understand your lack of motivation towards this person's gift. I'd love to be able to attend market! sigh Oh one day! Have yourself a wonderful Missy!
What a beautiful quilt! Your friend is very lucky to have you in her life, I think! If she doesn't like the quilt, I know LOTS of other people who would!! (hint, hint) LOL!
Someday I want to go to the Fall Quilt Market - do you get to go with your friends? What fun that would be!
Another pretty one!! Congrats on getting both of these done. Where's mine? ;-)
Wow that's certainly a great pattern for the jelly roll. The quilt is fantastic. I don't let anyone else pick out the fabric as it's usually a disaster. I made a quilt which I plan to give away when I get it back from the quilt shop. My girlfriend turned 50 last Nov and I was hope to give it to her this Nov but I don't know if that's going to happen right on her birthday...oh well better late than never.
Oh sew pretty Darlene! I'm always blown away how much you get done. I'm seriously thinking you have a twin you're not telling us about.
Very cool! I love some of her patterns! I've never seen them! Thanks for linking me up to them.
And I am totally jealous about the rocky road blocks you won!
Some people don't know when they have it good. If some one is making you a quilt, you don't get to complain about the fabric choices. She doesn't know how lucky she is. The new quilt is lovely.
Darlene! It's so pretty! I like it way better than mine.
Darlene that is just lovely! So soft and pretty!! I have that jlly roll as well and really really want to do something with it...One day I will find the perfect pattern :)
Your quilt is wonderful that Little Romance line is really nice. I like the pattern you choose. It is alwasy such a good feeling to get a quilt done
I'm sorry but did you say that she DIDN'T like the gift you were about to make her?? I do not know this person but I would never tell anyone that and would be THRILLED to death if someone made me a quilt or anything for that matter. It's really pretty. So send it on over here. LOL
OH Darlene !! It's a BEAUTIFUL quilt and I hope your friend appreciates the time , effort and thoughtfulness that went into it! ..... and, by the way, in my book that quilt is not late! I'll show you late ---- I'm trying to finish up a quilt for my niece whose 13th birthday is TODAY -- and I started it for her as a Fist Communion gift back when she was 8 !!!! NOW THAT's LATE !!! (try and top that ! HA!)
Your sewing group friends are very lucky girls...I'm moving to AZ and joining your group :-) Your present is very wonderful!
The quilt is lovely, and your friend should be very appreciative of the time and effort you put into it! And if she doesn't like it, I can send you MY address!
Another beauty, Darlene!
Lucky friends! I agree, Elizabeth's patterns are the best. Your April Cornell quilt is so pretty. Your quilting friend will love it.
Great quilt, Darlene! And now that one's done and your friend will be thrilled, I bet! Congrats on getting it finished!
I have a similar situation with a friend of mine. Her daughter got married and I told her I would make her a quilt. I had in mind something I thought would be nice, but her mother says it has to be blue only and no florals. Well, that is boring and I only have it half finished and she got married in March.I really have no desire to finish it. So much for nice gestures. I do like the quilt you finally made for her.
You're so generous!!!! Lovely, lovely, lovely quilts! 480+ e-mails???? Geez Darlene, just go on about your quilting and blogging and hire a secretary to answer all your e-mails. Can your hubby help? lol!
if you friend doesn't like her quilt, I am always happy to adopt orphaned quilts/tops/blocks! :O)
Very generous of you thats for sure and the quilt looks great!
Your quiilt is wonderful!
Kind regards,
Sonnja from the Netherlands
Wow Darlene! What a sweetheart you are to make so many quilts for your friends!
Love the quilt -- and your friend is very lucky to get it. And you're very generous to make something else you weren't planning on because she wasn't in love with your original idea. I KNOW I'm not that generous of spirit.
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