(things are a bit scattered - blogger won't cooperate today - grrr)
Get comfortable I have lots to share with you.
My mailbox has been overflowing with goodness this week - I really feel loved.
First a package arrived from Pam in British Columbia. That beautiful bag was stuffed with all the goodness you see around it. The tin full of chocolates, the 30's fat quarters, the book to hopefully help me learn how to handquilt and sweet notecard. All this just say thank you for being a blogging friend - Pam thank you for being such a sweetie and for your generosity. I appreciate you and your friendship!
This little gem arrived from Sharon. Pay It Forward gift from her. I need to find "the" spot to enjoy it. Thank you so much, Sharon!
Allow me to introduce you to Miss Milly! Isn't she the cutest? She arrived from Lorraine in Australia and she brought along the sweetest pincushion. This was part of the pincushion swap on Linda's blog. I'm already a little concerned because Miss Milly has already become fast friends with Thimbles and Joy - I think they've all started plotting. LOL Lorraine, thank you so much for your kindness, thoughtful and generosity. I'm really touched.
Last but not least - finish number three for Peg's "Finish Five in July" Challenge. This is a pattern called Night and Noon but I don't know who it's by - I took it as a class last year at one of the local quilt stores. Most of the fabric is from April Cornell's line called Sunshine.
Thank you for visiting with me and for all your complimentary comments on my finishes. I'm really enjoying Peg's challenge. Please come visit again and often!
In Friendship!
I get to be first....lol
Awesome gifts for an awesome friend. :) I'm impressed with all your finishes....they're wonderful!
Wow what a fantastic week of fun mail to arrive all at once. I'm sure Miss Milly will fit right in with Thimbles and Joy.
Your finishing is moving along....way to go!!
Lovely mail, just goes to show how much we all love you.
Wow! Three finishes and it is only the 11th! At this rate you should finish 9 things by the end of the month! Though if you are like me you will start some new things on the way!
What a lucky girl! Love that quilt from Sharon!
What great mail gifts! Congrats on getting projects done.
My goodness, you are just the Belle of the ball this week!
Fun mail. And don't you just want to give Peg a huge hug for that wonderful challenge? Not that we could not have done this on our own but would we?
What fun mail.
Looks like your bunny family is growing.
I lave the way the striped fabric looks in the quilt.
Such a fun post! Isn't it wonderful when the mailman rings (twice?). The quilt you finished is great. I'm loving all the encouragement to get projects done and use stash fabrics. Blogs are good!
What fantastic gifts...how lucky are you I was wondering who was going to get Miss Milly...love your quilt, you are on a roll...
Wow.....I'm with Linda...just goes to show how much we all love you.....! I am glad Miss Milly arrived safe and sound and hope she hasn't been plotting with those other wascally wabbits to disrupt your sewing room!! Love the other gifts you got....and another finish! woo hoo! I hope to get the last two of my five finished.....but will have to get cracking!! Peg is great to issue us all the challenge....!
Woohoo! Amazing progress this week!
I love the sunshine fabric line and this quilt is so sunny and springlike - beautiful!
Oh my, oh my! What wonderful treasures came in the mail! Miss Milly looks to be a sweetie pie - hopefully, she won't be converted to the "naughtiness" of the other wascally wabbits!
Another gorgeous finish!! It is beauteous, my friend!
H'moosies to yousies!!
fabulous mail week! congrats on finishing #s 3 and 4
Lovely little goodies! My, my, You've been a busy bee! Lovely work you do! Hugs!
I'm glad you like your little quilt Darlene. I had fun making those.
You've been getting some great stuff in the mail missy!!
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