I made one - woohoo! LOL
Thank you for your responses with links and such! The phone calls from Linda and Nadine were wonderful, too. :-)
I've actually made two but I need to do a little work on the second one - I'm not happy with the results.
I knew I could count on you.
In Friendship!
Its so darling - good for you. I am telling you - bloggers know how to do everything.
Great job on it!
It is absolutely adorable. You did a wonderful job.
It is soooooooo cute! You did a great job. You make the most wonderful pin cushions.
Looks just fine from here. Sometimes it's reassuring to make a prototype . . . then you can go into production *s*
It's wonderful! Love the colours!
Too cute! Love those fabrics BTW....that lime green is sooo me....paired with hot pink would be perfection hehehe
Great Job!!
It looks great Darlene!!! Good job.
Wow I'm sure a phone call from Belguim topped the day for you. It's super cute, knew you could do it.
I just KNEW you'd make it ! And it's so, so cute. Your fabric choice is adorable too, dear. I suspect that many, many of them are going to be made, soon ! :>)
oh I love that pincushion I want one hee hee x
That's a great looking pincushion. Now wasn't that the easiest pincushion to make.
You did a great job!!!!! OK, I behind here being on vacation and all, but crushed walnut shells make a great filling for pincushions. I buy them at a local bird farm.
I love it. The colors are great. One of these is on my to do list. You are encouraging me.
Another winner from the pincushion queen! :)
Very cool! Looks great...something I intend to try one day soon!
That turned out great!!I had a little trouble with the one I made also,but I just kept poking it!
I am off to make one myself! Thanks for the inspiration and helpful links :)
That is wonderful! I love the colors you used! Hooray for you and bloggy friendships!!
Looks like you did well. Where is that pattern?
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