Joy Luck
July Schnibbles

I kept procrastinating about making the July's Schnibbles quilt, Joy Luck because I couldn't decide on fabric. Silliness, I know! Last night I walked into my sewing room at approximately 9:00PM and dug out two Blush charm packs and some Bella yardage. Started cutting and then sewed until 4:00AM this morning - LOL - gotta love a second wind. :-) I just finished the outer border so it's done - woohoo!!! Bring on the August assignment - I'm RED-DEE!!!

Enjoy your week end - I am! :-) I appreciate your visit and your comments. Come again soon.
In Friendship!
Looks great! I love Blush!
I think seeing Blush used in projects makes it look so much prettier than sitting in a charm pack. I love Joy Luck.
I agree with Stephanie. That fabric collection looks so much prettier in a project. Your Joy Luck is beautiful!
I'm with Stephanie and Kim...Blush is soooooooooo pretty and your Joy Luck is just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE for you, Marathon Girl!
You night owl, you! Love what you did with Blush and the Joy Luck pattern. I have not been in the sewing groove at all lately. But one of these days I WILL make Joy Luck!
Nice! Blush is perfect with the Joy Luck pattern. Good late night sewing.
Adorable Joy Luck Darlene! Perfect in Blush! But 4:00 A.M.??? Not for me!
Very cute little quilt. You were one busy beaver! I've tried to pull all-nighters in the past but usually whimp out around midnight.
It's beautiful! I feel like such an underachiever...... ;-)
I just love this, great job Darlene!!
Oh, this is pretty! I made need to get some Bella yardage. It seems to be adding a lovely touch to some of the different collections. Love the Blush and Joy Luck too.
Don't you love sewing on into the night...the phone never rings :-)
Blush is my most current favorite did a great job, it is beautiful.
Wow!! YOU amaze me!! Just lovely!! Sewing until 4am would KILL me!! ;o)
Take care!
Blush was the perfect, what a second wind! Did you get a nap in today????
Darlene it's GORGEOUS!!!! The border really sets it off perfectly! Great job!
Isn't this just gorgeous!
Hugs - Lurline♥
4 AM?????? It was totally worth it, it's gorgeous. I still haven't seen a copy of the book yet, but I'm about ready to jump on the Schnibbles wagon LOL!
Love your Joy Luck in Blush, beautiful collection & pretty quilt.
That is just great. Funny, I didn't like the Blush range of fabrics, until now.
Love it in...Blush fabrics.... dusty blues and rose... just lovely!!
You had to of had the pedal to the floor! Looks adorable!!!
Oooh, Darlene, it looks great in Blush! I have a bunch, if it weren't for those darn triangles, I'd make another - LOL! Wow, you are amazing, staying up until 4am to finish - you go girl!!
You are a crazy woman!! It is fun to do that eveyr now and then though;)
It's a beauty!!
Beautiful Darlene! The Blush line is one of my favorites.
love your schnibble ... did mine in the same fabric!!
Wow you really can sew like crazy, I can only wish, no late nights for me. The quilt is gorgeous and worth the second wind.
Well, drat.
I gave away my Blush charm packs and now I want them back... but I can't remember who I gave them to. Dagnabit.
It's wonderful.
So what's up next?
It looks wonderful!!! Love it!
The quilt is just so pretty!
I Love your Joy Luck Club! Definitely worth burning the midnight oil for! Wonderful Finish, Congratulations!
Looks's nice to know other night owls!
Too cute Darlene! Love the Blush fabric in that pattern!
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