My Quilting Journey

For awhile now I've been thinking about the path I've been following while on my quilting journey. Somewhere along the way I either came to a fork in the road or made a hard left because I feel that I've veered off MY path! :-)
Quilting, stitching, etc in 2010 was tons of fun but I feel like I spent the year jumping on bandwagons and doing what every one else was doing. I've realized that I didn't spend time doing a handful of things that really make my heart sing. It's truly time to get back on MY path. This is not to say that I won't jump on any bandwagons but I must follow my heart.
I've enjoyed reading about everyone's resolutions, goals, etc. I've been thinking long and hard about whether or not I wanted to make some quilting related resolutions. Possibily overthinking the whole thing LOL. I decided that resolutions would only add stress to MY journey. This is suppose to be FUN so how much fun would I be having if I was stressing about my projects. :-)

Here I go jumping on my first bandwagon LOL!
Kelly from Charming Girl's Club has asked us to come up with a word for 2011 and mine is .....
I need to follow my heart in everything I do - if my heart's not in it then I'm not going to do it - 'nuf said. :-)
I've been fumbling with this post for a few days and can't seem to completely explain myself so I'll leave you for now but do remain......
In Friendship
I think that is a genius word and path you are taking, Darlene!! You should do things that will make your heart sing. I too have fallen into the trap of jumping on the bandwagon. (Last year's Civil War Tribute BOM) Sometimes it's hard not too when it sounds so exciting and fun. I can't wait to see what you do this year! :-)
I LOVE it!!! It's so true, if you don't have your heart in it - what's the point? It's a lovely word.
Another very interesting post to read. Very well said! We should take time to ask "will this make my heart sing"? Most of the time I am not sure if it will or not, and I can only figure it out by giving it a try. Maybe I should make a list of the heart sing items and go from there!
I totally understand what you are saying and I applaud you my dear. To be truly happy we do have to follow our own calling in whatever it may be. And I think 'heart' is a great word to start with.
May your year be filled with being true to your own 'heart'!
I love your word Darlene. It really is what we should do when we take the time to create. It should be something that we LOVE! Thanks for your word. I am still trying to come up with mine ;-)
Oh my goodness - I just had my word for 2011 hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been struggling with narrowing down my word because it just didn't seem to fit - I went from commit to focus, to discovery, to change and a few others thrown in. Then I read your post and WHAM that's it. I've used that phrase "make my heart sing" so many times and also "my heart just isn't in it. It fits my journey for 2011 PERECTLY - it's the year of following my heart and making the right choices for me :). Hope you don't mind that I use it as well. I read another post on someone looking for their word and she said you'll know it when it comes to you - and it did thanks to you.
Much joy in 2011 as you follow your heart and make it sing.
Hugs - Karen
Following your heart is always a good thing. I wish I had the time to do the same.
Great word...mine is BREATHE. Great post are absolutely right!!
Good for you Darlene! I've already passed up two free BOM projects this year. If I don't love it, I'm not doing it! :0)
That's why I made a list of what I want to work on this year. I will work on what I feel like working on when I feel like working on it but in no particular order. If I want to do just one of those things on my list until it is done, I will do that. :) No stress!
Oh I hear you Darlene!! You make perfect sense to me! And I have been feeling the same way!! I am only going to jump onto a bandwagon if it's something I truly want to do... And ONLY if my heart is in it!! It's a good one!! Thanks for summing it up for me!
It's hard not to jump in when you see beautiful things being made and want some of that fun, but it can definitely cause stress when there are just too many things on your plate. Follow your heart, for sure, Darlene, just don't stop quilting!
The only quilting resolution I made was to finish one UFO project a month. That leaves time to play with new and ongoing projects!
Darlene, I think you've hit it right on the mark. There are so many bandwagons out there, and it seems like each new one begets another new one. I look at those and I think to myself, "Why?" Quilting is my enjoyable project with only my own self-imposed pressures. Which are enough. And I feel no guilt about it. The "bandwagons" destroy my pleasure. If I wanted another job, I would go out and get one. Perhaps the "bandwagons" are fun for some and that is good. But for me, I prefer to be free to follow my heart.
Haven't really thought about a word, but now that you mention it - I think it's a great idea. A word quickly comes to mind . . . . but I think I should think about it a little *s*
In the meantime, maybe while you are on the journey to follow your heart you'll pass my way - I'm over here following the beat of my own drum.
I like it. Follow your heart, Darlene!
Me again... I JUST noticed the chalkboard in your picture. I live 10 minutes from the town of Willmantic and (now de-funked) thread mill. Small world!
I understand it perfectly and it is wonderful!! We all need to do that!
I hear your heart Darlene and it sounds strong :). So glad you shared this post.
I did the same thing, no quilting resolutions in particular, and it's either a wise thing to do or is happening because I'm too confused LOL. It's bewildering wanting to do SO many different things in quilting.
Good word! :-) Have a happy day!
Darlene, I know exactly what you are talking about. You explained it perfectly and I agree. There are some fun things I'm going to try to join in on this year, but my main goal is to sew the projects that as you put it so wonderfully "Make my heart sing..." I have several family members trying to talk me into local BOM clubs they have signed up for and I'm just not going to do it. I have some things in mind that I 'itch' to be working on and those are the things my sewing year will be focused on. Last year was a very slack sewing year for me due to health issues so this year, when I sew, it will be 'FOR ME'...sounds kind of selfish put that way but I'm certain you understand what i mean too. Hope all is well and your hubby is rapidly mending. Big Hugs....
Oh Darlene - I love this word - and I love how you explained it too! It's just so easy to get on the bandwagon with everyone else - but not really follow our own heart. I have a sign in my bedroom that says - "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart!" I wish that for you - and for all of us in the New Year!! Hugs, Hugs!!
Good for you, Darlene! Keep it FUN! (Hope your hubby is doing well, too.)
I so understand what you're talking about! With all the BOMs, projects, blog hops, etc., that are available for free, it's hard to stay focused and do what makes you happy. They are all great, and that's what makes it so hard to pick and choose. Then it all becomes more stressful than fun because you get behind or spend all your time at the computer instead of stitching.
Can't wait to see what you come up that makes your heart sing!
Hey I hear you... Our blogs have become so big and there are so many BOM's to follow , not that I'm complaining, but it's time to sit back and take in the big picture. What do I truly love doing...
What a wonderful, wonderful's perfect and your post is so well said. I've given this so much thought...I so agree...there are only so many hours that we can spend doing the things we LOVE...I'm not using anymore of that time on things that I just don't really LOVE! Thank you my friend!
Darlene, that is the best advise ever, we should all follow our hearts. This year I've decided it's ok to say "no" when someone asks me to make something.
So true Darlene....I took a year off from bandwagon jumping last year...and really enjoyed doing things that I wanted to do......and after all that's what it's all about surely...doing things that make your heart sing. word is LIVE......and enjoy. Hoping I will hear your heart singing from here! Happy 2011!
YES I totally agree the past few years I have been doing more of what I WANT to do and not worrying about jumping on that bandwagon....for me if I start something and I am not inspired anymore I put it away for when I am inspired again. its ok.
Looking forward to seeing where this year takes you...
I truly hope you follow your own heart
I know exactly what you're saying and where you're coming from, Darlene. Sometimes it's so difficult NOT to jump on the bandwagon but I promised myself to wait for 24 hours before committing to anything. Sometimes I find it really hard to say 'NO'.
I too plan to follow my heart this year and do what makes me happy at the time. Today it could be hooking and tomorrow it could be piecing and the next day stitching something. Gee, I might even dust off my paint brushes!
Thanks for putting into words what many of us are thinking. It certainly came across loud and clear to me and stopped me dead in my tracks.
Big hugs to you my friend and lets just follow our hearts.
I hope you find your "path" and are able to work on things that bring you great satisfaction and joy.
I do believe that I am understanding your dilenma, if that's what I am to call this, Darlene. I found out that in 2010 I tended to do what the "blog quilters" who are regulars of miine did. If one did a bandwagon swap (example - 9-patch), I jumped in.
Then you saw me take a much needed month long "internet intermission". It really did me a world of good. I "reset" (if you will) in October.
My reset was worth it, and I hope to keep this reset button pushed in for 2011.
Makes complete sense. I found myself doing more following and joining than actual enjoyment projects and what cured me was knitting a bunch of stuff for a craft show I got *encouraged* into! I had some reservations abt it and after the flop that it was, I'll never do it again. I don't want my craftingto become a job, I need it to stay a hobby and therapy.
I'll be interested in seeing where your heart leads you this year...
Good for you, and I totally agree! With cotton prices rising it is a good time to look at what you really want to do compared to what everyone else is doing.
Congratlations on finding your word and writing a wonderful post. I do hope that writing in your blog continues to be in your heart. I enjoy reading what you are doing and will enjoy it even more when you are enjoying all your projects more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I think we can all relate. I don't take as many classes now because it results in just one more ufo. My quilt group meets once a month to work on a series of patterns that are scrap quilts. I don't do scrappy and I have enough of my own projects to work on so I go but do my own thing. We all need to slow down, breathe, and just do what makes us happy.
Darlene - the perfect word for you - I know JUST how you feel. There are so many wonderful things to make, and everyone's making them, and it just makes you want to do them too - good for you on resisting the temptation! Listen to your heart. I think this is a good lesson for all of us!
And I think you explained it perfectly. :)
I think you explained your feelings wonderfully. It looks like you said what a lot of us are feeling, even when we didn't realise we were feeling it! Last year I didn't join bandwagons, but spent much of my quilting time working to deadlines. This year I am not going to have that type of restriction, and have seen a few things I thought I might join, but I've held back without knowing why. Now I do, so thanks Darlene.
I had a word for last year and the one for this year is tolerance.
I definitely don't make a yearly goal, the best I can come up with is a week. I've been thinking about the quilts that are in my heart, the ones on the bucket list so I'm trying to attend to the ones that will make me sing.
Thank you so much for the wonderful post. I completely agree with you. You have one of the most wonderful hearts I know. Looking forward to seeing how your heart sings this year.
"heart" is a wonderful word, Darlene...I believe you exemplify heart!
Very insightful! It's easy to get excited and sidetracked when seeing lovely projects spring up everywhere.
I love love love some of the modern quilts out there but I just recently finished a wall hanging in reproductions. And it makes me feel good looking at it. The colors do something for me-makes my heart sing!
I know exactly what you mean! I had the same talk with myself this year. Except for Judy's UFO Challenge, I'm not commiting to anything - only going to sew on what I want the whole year!
There are many wonderful projects, swaps, free BOM, etc. on blogs. It's hard to not take part in all the activity. I so agree with you that a project has to make my heart sing.What a blessing that we have too many resources, too many projects! What are those things that make your heart sing?
How is Mr. Daze doing?
We are supposed to be happy when we quilt. Your ideas make sense to me and I only wish I had said it myself. Go for it! We will enjoy watching and cheering.
I'll be watching to see what projects make you happy this year, maybe we'll be jumping on your bandwagon!
Best Wishes Darlene!
That's a great word!! But I do like WORD UP too. ;-) Or just WORD. I can't think of my word. I've been trying. Any thoughts???
That's good advice! Great word and it will be the right thing for you to do.
I agree, Resolutions are not really my thing either, remember what Mary Poppins says "Pie crust promises, easily made easily broken". You absolutely must follow your own path to be truly happy.
I'm with you 100% it is so easy to get off the path that makes our hearts sing. Life goes by so fast and it's so easy to get on bandwagons as you say and forget what is truly important. Hugs to you-Marietta
You go girl! My resolution this year is be resolution free and be happy. I feel like I've just been running from one thing to another, not taking the time to enjoy the process. Not good! Glad you are following your heart! It never leads astray! Hugs!
I "Heart" your post. I so relate to the journey's turns and surprises of my choices along the way. Wishing you a wonderful compass of "Heart" this year.
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