Another "flimsy" done! This is an easy peasy quilt but I really like it. I made one for a friend's birthday last Fall and vowed that I'd make one for me. Sixteen Yuletide Blessing fat quarters, by Fig Tree Quilts, cut into 2 1/2" strips. Pattern is Fields of Flowers by Pieces From My Heart.
I've made another little promise to myself but I'm not ready to say it out loud for the whole world to hear me. LOL I'll let you know when and if I fulfill my promise.
Need to start thinking about the next project - hand applique, embroidery, or more piecing! Decision, decisions. LOL
Thanks for stopping by - come again!
In Friendship!
Oh sooooo pretty. Looks like you're really back in the swing of things. Nice to hear that smile ring through.
That is one sweet lookin' quilt! Not only do you take the time to post twice and actually have something to say, you get to show a flimsy! I bet you're all caught up on your blog reading too, have dinner all planned out etc! LOL Think about your next project? What you haven't already started it and are in the process of sewing the blocks together! ROFL Alright Ms. Speedy Quilty Gonzales, arriva, arriva undenay! I want to be you when I grow up! LOL Thanks for sharing your beautiful work and for allowing me to tease you. You are quite a motivator! Keep well!
It is just wonderful Miss is just great to hear the happiness in your post!
You have been a very busy girl! Love this, nice that you will have one for yourself!
Holy Smokes you are a speed demon!! I think you need to come and spend some time with me - you can either finish up a bunch of my projects or just stand over me and crack the whip!!!
Love the fabric of that quilt.
wow are you FAST!!!
I love this fabric line and the pattern your picked really shows it off....
can't wait to see what's next!
You make the sweetest quilts. It may be an easy pattern but your choice in fabrics is what really does it. Thanks for all the great inspiration. I always love reading your blog.
Dynanite quilt!! I "discovered" some Yuletide Blessings when I was cleaning out the stash room. Hmmm.... And I LOVE the smiles in your post!! (Hugs)
I love your new 'flimsy'! It is so pretty!
Very pretty quilt and you are on a roll girl.
Hugs - karen
Well look at you go miss productive over there. Trying to show us up are ya????
You do inspire me. I will be back to sewing soon and racing to keep up.
Amazing! Very beautiful quilt, I love this colors! Good week :)))
okay your working in my colors again!!! You can put my name on the back of that one too!! Along with the other fig tree you just did :O). tee hee..
So your keeping a secret? mmm well when I did that I wound up in school LOL, you have me curious!
Well, I guess if I'd looked at the next post I would've known what the strips looked like finished! It's absolutely beautiful, my friend! I have some Yuletide Blessing fabric - you've given me an idea! Thank you!
Next project is our strip quilt?? Maybe?? LOL!!
hey I have the material all organised for a quilt just like this......mine will be in pretty florals .........with pink and white check borders........
You have been really busy!
If you whisper your promise, I won't tell a soul!! I'm intrigued and look forward to hearing what you're up to :)
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