Sunday, June 09, 2013

7 Year Twitch!

 This giveaway is now closed!  Thank you!
It's time to celebrate my 7th anniversary in blogging!
I was chatting with a dear friend recently about my lack of blog posts and that it was almost time to celebrate 7 years. 
She immediately decided that I've been suffering with the 7 Year Twitch - LOL
I had to laugh for awhile and then readily agreed with her. 
BTW, how do you like my makeover?  Another very dear friend heard that I was very bored with my blog and offered to give it a total makeover. 
I'm in love with my new look (fresher & brighter) and told her over and over that she captured ME. 
Wouldn't you agree?
The timing was perfect because it's another reason to celebrate 7 Years!

I'm keeping it simple this year to give you an opportunity to win this fat quarter bundle of Baby Jane by Eric and Julie Comstock for Moda from The Fat Quarter Shop.
Leave a comment telling me how many years you've been blogging. 
Please be sure I have a way to contact you if you're a winner.
Also, keeping this short and sweet - I'll draw a winner sometime Tuesday, June 11.
My first blog post was on June 11, 2006
 Thank you for celebrating with me!
In Friendship!


Quiltsmiles said...

Fabulous giveaway!!! I've been blogging for almost 5 years so far and love the public forum. I have met and become friends with many like minded souls that blogging is better than I ever imagined. Congratulations on your lucky No 7!!!

Jane (Serendipodus with your fabric line? LOL)

Anonymous said...

wow Darlene i love the new look ,you are right its fresher and brighter,congrats on 7 years i have been blogging for about 2 1/2 yrs,thankyou for hosting such a wonderful giveaway too.xx

Annette said...

I had to run back to my blog and's been 5 years for me! They have been fun and inspiring years...blogland is an awesome place. I LOVE your new look, Darlene. And thanks for the friendship and encouragement you've shown me through blogging. I'm looking forward to many more years.

Béa said...

Fantastic giveway, love this fabric and the new look. I've been blogging since march 2009, a few days after my 50 a consolation...!

Carol said...

I don't blog because I really don't enjoy writing. However, I do enjoy reading blogs and I've been a fan of yours for quite some time. Happy blogaversary - and your fresh clean makeover.

Carol said...

I don't blog because I really don't enjoy writing. However, I do enjoy reading blogs and I've been a fan of yours for quite some time. Happy blogaversary - and your fresh clean makeover.

Kim said...

I LOVE your new look! It's so pretty and bright. I've been blogging on and off for 6 years but I've gone in and erased alot of my old posts because it was all about papercrafting and I've changed since then so now my blog only dates back to 2008. I Congrats on your 7yrs. Looking forward to more fun stuff.
BTW...who did your blog design?

ruthsplace said...

Your new blog design looks great!

I'm also coming up to 7 years of blogging.

My blog community has travelled with me through the birth of my daughter and an international mover. I don't know where I'd be without my online friends.

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

WOW I love your new look. I had to take a second look to see where I was :) Huge congrats on 7 years. I am 3 days short of 2 years :o) hugs

Gloria said...

I like the new look, but would like to comment today on your apron pattern. It is just like one I made at Primary School in 1959 - except mine was made of red gingham and each pocket had cross-stitch embroidery in white on the red squares and blue on the white squares - so clear in my mind!

Hildy said...

Congrats to 7 years!
Actually I'm not blooging but I've read a lot of blogs since about 3 years... does that count? Thanks!

QuiltSue said...

I love the new you too. It's very bright and fresh.

I've been blogging for 4 years now, and love it.

Patti said...

Hmmm . . . . let's see. My first post was January 23, 2006. I posted a great deal for three years. Then a little for the next year. Then hardly anything for a few years. There is a gap from December 29, 2010, and February 9, 2013. I've posted often since then. So I'd say 5 years - give or take a month or two. That is my best guess.

Leanne said...

Beautiful fabric, I have been blogging for 4 years, the best part about starting a blog was making so many new friends and keeping the motivation going to sew more.
Well done on 7 years. Here's to many more.

Three Birds Inspired said...

Congratulations on 7 years!! Love the new look.

I just went back to check my stats to see how long I have been blogging. Google says since August of 2007. That still doesn't seem quite right to me because the first post I can find appears to be pretty random for something that should have been a "kick off" post!

antique quilter said...

I love the new look of your blog, yes its so you!!! fresh and happy! quite a few years of blogging on and off 3 years consistently now.
Thanks for the giveaway I have been wanting to make a fun quilt , light and bright . Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric
congrats on 7 years, its been great getting to know you over the years.

Busy Quilting Mama said...

Happy blog Birthday! I have been blogging for 2 years now. I love to read your blog!

Lesley said...

Love your new look. So fresh and colorful! I am in my second year of blogging!

Carol said...

Happy! Happy Anniversary! Oh I love your is so you! I have the big 7 coming up in a few short weeks!

Thelma said...

Darlene, I was so happy to see your blog move from the bottom of my Favorites List to the top. I love the new look, very fresh, very fun, very you. Come August I'll be blogging 4 years. Some days are easier than others, I'm amazed you've stuck with it for 7 years. Congratulations!

Debby said...

cute new look!!! I so need to figure out how to do that. Congrats on your 7 years, I have been missing your post. I have been blogging 4 years now, how could that be!!

sunny said...

Happy Blogaversary! I've been blogging for about 3 1/2 years. I love the inspiration and friendship that I've gained. I hope to meet a favorite blogger in real life next week!

trish said...

Happy 7th Anniversary!! :0) Thank you for sharing such a lovely fat quarter bundle to celebrate. I began blogging in 2008. :0) Trish

Loves to Quilt said...

Congrats on your endurance!! Thanks for the give away. I have been blogging 4 years. Love your new look!

Mary said...

Congratulations on a very big accomplishment! 7 years takes a lot of dedication. I am not a blogger, but appreciate and admire all of those who do. I am afraid to start something that I'm not sure I have the time and perseverance to keep up with it.

Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

wow! Really like your new look here. Love your header. One of these days I want a header something like yours : ) I've been quilting since December 2009. Congrats on the 7-year milestone.

Sarah said...

Love your new look! Great header bar. I'm not a blogger. I've been on Facebook for 3&1/2 years. Years I'll never get back!

Cathy said...

Nice, fresh look for your blog. I especially like the little photos of your quilts at the top.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Oh Darlene, I love your new Blog "look". Great makeover, iIt's wonderful!!! Seven years??? Wow, Congratulations my "Wonder Quilter", hehehe. I don't have a blog so I'm sure I don't qualify for the giveaway, but I had to pop in and tell you Congrats and how much I have enjoyed your blog over the years. Big Hugs to you Darlene, and Good Luck to Everyone!!

Betty Lou said...

Congratulations on seven years and the new look, love the header.

Vicky said...

Been blogging since 2/06. Started not too long before you did! It's been fabulous getting to know you and being constantly inspired by you! Love your new make-over!

barncat (Lisa) said...

Happy blogaversary! Congrats on seven years! I don't blog much anymore, but it has been there for about 4 1/2 years. Maybe I'll get back to it someday.

Christine M said...

I love your new look Darlene. Congratulations on 7 years of blogging. When I had a look, I've been blogging since November 2009, about 3 1/2 years which seems hard to believe. The time has gone so fast. It's hard to remember life before blogging. LOL! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

swooze said...

Happy blogiversary!

I made my first blog post in July of 2005 but didn't really start blogging until late the following year.

Anita in Florida said...

Gee I think it's 4 or 5 years!!

Terry said...

Congratulations Darlene on seven wonderful years of blogging! For me it will be five years in August. Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

Sue said...

I'm a blog stalker rather than a blogger. I stalk blogs on a daily basis looking for inspiration. Love looking into the lives of like minded crafty people. I'm afraid if I had my own blog it would be just a place for me to whinge and that would be too negative. Love your header. Very generous giveaway.

Cheryl said...

Fabulous new look! I cannot believe I have been blogging for 3 years and I too have the blogging twitch!

Joyce said...

I have been following blogs for the past 2 years, but have only had mine since late last summer, early fall. Took me awhile to think someone would be interested in what I do...but have been proven wrong many times over with the wonderful emails and blogger friends I have made along the way!

Robin said...

I just looked and on Aug 3 I will have been blogging for 7 years. I to haven't been doing a lot of post seems other things have been taking my time up.

Congrats on your 7 years!

Robin in Washington State
assweetaspeaches hotmail

Debi said...

I love the new look to the blog! Congrats on 7 years, heres to 7 more!

Debi said...

I love the new look to the blog! Congrats on 7 years, heres to 7 more!

Carol said...

Hi Darlene. I love your new blog look, it's awesome. I had to go back and look at my blog dashboard to figure out how long I've been on blogger, it's 5 1/2 years. Wow, how times flies. I would love to win that very cute FQ Bundle, it's just my style. Congrats on your 7th Anniversary.

Yvette said...

You made me go look! LOL! I will be hitting 6 years this fall. Wow! That's so hard to believe too. You were one of the first blogs I followed too!

I love the look of your blog. So fresh and clean.

Happy Blogiversary.

Linda in PA said...

Congratulations on seven years and your new look. I don't blog, but I have been reading and following blogs for the past 5 years. Thanks for the giveaway.

Julia said...

I've only been blogging for 2 years! Congratulations!

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Congratulations on 7 years and I love your new header too! It will be a year for me at the end of September.

Glynette said...

Wow 7 years---well done!!!
Unfortunately, I do not blog, but love yours!
Love, love, love, your new blog facelift!

Sally said...

7 Years? Oh my goodness, Darlene. I can't believe I've been reading this blog for 7 years. Congratulations! Me? I've been blogging for - let me go check - Wow, it's been a bit more than 6 years for me. I haven't been as consistent about posting the last year or so but hope to get back to it soon... I'd love to win that fabric stack so I could make something and be able to post it on my blog! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Becky said...

Wow, 7 years. Your post caused me to look, and in July, it will be 5 years for me. How time flies. Congratulations on 7 years!

Jacqueline said...

Wow 7 years.. congrat's.

I am not a blogger, just a blog stalker and have been doing it for a little over a year now. One of these days I will get the courage to actually start a blog of my own.

Thanks for a chance


Winona said...

I started my blog in Jan. 2009, so it has been a bit over 4 years. I don't blog like I used to. I think Facebook gets in the way. ;) Congratulations on 7 years blogging! Your blog is actually one of the first I read when I started reading them. :)

Tina said...

I don't actually have a blog, but I LOVE to read everyone's blog - so much inspiration and creativity out there!!! I've been a blog reader for about four years (didn't know what a blog even was before that time -LOL!).

Penny from S.C. said...

I'm afraid I don't blog. Just don't seem to have the time to do it and don't really think I have that much to put into one. Love looking and reading everybody else's! Thanks

paulette said...

WOW!! Love the new look!! Who knew that you were SEW hip and happening until you put all your quilts together!! WE ALL DID!!! This is just such a nice reminder! Love it! and Love your give away! So generous of you!! (I have been blogging 4 years!!:o)

Anonymous said...

KIm nailed YOUR NEW BLOG LOOK perfectly! Love that the wabbits are in there too! It's Your trademark!! That girl is a talent! I love mine too! I've been blogging just one year less than you...I think I stalked you first.

Cheryl said...

Love, love, love, love your new look!!!!! Happy 7th. I feel so lucky to have you as a bloggy friend and an in person friend too!!!!! BIG HUGS!

Dresden Quilter said...

I love your new look with the same wonderful heart! Congratulations on 7 years. You are so inspirational. I have been blogging for 4 years. March 13, 2009 was my first blog post. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Nancy said...

Super cute new blog!! I have been blogging zero years:) Are nonbloggers exempt from participating? Happy blogiversary gf xoxo

Joanna said...

I do like your new header and the aqua background. Congrats on seven years of blogging. I've only been at it since January 2010 and sometimes I feel like I've had enough, so I hope I make it to seven:)

Scarecrow Cabin said...

Wow 7 years, that's great!
I'm a blogger newbie, started my blog just over 4 months ago. My first post was February 5, 2013.
I just love reading all the wonderful stories and inspiration in blogland. Congrats!

Kigwit said...

I had to check my blog. I've been on since 2006 but I am nowhere near as faithful as you for posting! Congrats on seven years. I've enjoyed visiting you on the surface of the sun!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Love to read your bolg, I enjoy reading all kinds of quilting blogs. They are so inspiresing each and every one in there own way.

Unknown said...

Love to read your bolg, I enjoy reading all kinds of quilting blogs. They are so inspiresing each and every one in there own way.

Denise in PA said...

I've been blogging for a little over three years - and I've been reading your blog for longer than that! Congratulations on 7 Years - wow! What a fabulous giveaway - thank you so much for the chance to win o:)

Deb said...

Don't have a blog, I just read others, but wanted to tell you that I LOVE your new look!

Abby said...

Love your new look - and you are missed. I hope your itch passes soon - I so look forward to hearing from you. I have been blogging since 2007 when my first son was born. Can't believe its been that long! Great giveaway. Happy Anniversary!

Kindred Quilts said...

Absolutely adorable new look! Love it, love it, love it!!! My first anniversary of blogging will be July 26th. It's been so much fun! Happy Anniversary Darlene... and thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

7 years! Congratulations! I have only been blogging for a year tomorrow (my anniversary as well), but I wonder how big was the quilt blog community back when you started? Also - I mentioned your Scrap and Fluff method in my blog the other day, but I could NOT remember where I had seen it! So glad to get that mystery solved! Thanks for the tip, it worked out great on my tumbler selections.
Seams Crazy Blog (

Lori said...

Congrats on your 7 year twitch! LOL
I started my Get to Goal blog 1/1/08 for my weight watcher members, so that means 5.5 years. My quilt blog I started Feb 09, so 4 years for that one. YOu've been at it a long time!

Susan C said...

I don't blog but am a faithful reader of blogs, yours included. Congratulations on 7 years!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 7 years!! I do not have a blog but I follow a lot of them. Thank you!!
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)

Meredith said...

Wow! Congratulations! I have only been blogging for 9 months!

Gayle said...

About three years now. I've loved being able to connect with rug hookers and quilters on a wider stage than I could locally - I've learned so much from everyone! What a great giveaway - please count me IN!

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary!! I've been blogging for almost 5 years, and YOU were the very first person to comment on my blog :-) Love your new look. Thanks for always sharing such fun and inspirational blog posts.

carol fun said...

Oh Darlene - I LOVE the new look! Makes me want to freshen up my blog. I just realized I've been blogging for 3 years -- time sure does fly. Yours was one of the first quilting blogs I found and I have always enjoyed it. Happy 7th Anniversary! Hugs!

Patricia said...

I have been blogging for about 5 years. I love your "new look", and reading your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Doodlebug Gail said...

Love your makeover Darlene! I blogged for 5 years and then a return to full time work got in the way of blogging :-(. Thanks for the opportunity to win ... here's to the next 7 years! ;-)

Nanette Merrill said...

6 years for me. You got me by a year or so. LOVE the makeover. LOOOOVVVE. I'm getting this fabric. It is so darling. I have a tiny 2.5" pack and I like it so much, I'm getting more. I hope some sweet reader gets this and enjoys. I've enjoyed you for 7're fantastic.

Karen said...

How is that possible? I wrote my first post in Dec 2009 . I feel like such a baby! So happy our paths have crossed - thanks for sharing and congrats. Here's to many more years! And I love the new look.

dortha said...

I don't have a log but I have been reading blogs for about 3 years. Lo ve your new look.

gale said...

Love the new blog look! I love light aqua and had that on my blog for a long time so I switched recently. I had to look to see how long I've been blogging. With blogger, anyway, it's been just over 6 yrs. I didn't realize it had been that long! Before that I had a wordpress blog but I honestly don't remember how long I used it. Before that I had a regular website but that's not a blog.

Darlene D said...

I love blogging, I've been blogging about quilts for almost 2 years but had a scrapbooking blog for several years prior to that. Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Haven't tried blogging yet. Maybe someday. Enjoy reading and learning from other people's blogs. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Linda Nelson said...

I don't blog but have been obsessed with reading sewing blogs for 2 years!

Kris said...

I haven't actually tired it yet, but have followed you for awhile. I love seeing what you are creating. Maybe someday soon I will start, I am just not that committed to the computer yet, my extra time usually is at the sewing machine.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Rita said...

I don't have a blog (writing is not my thing) but I truly enjoy reading them. Happy Anniversary!

Gale, Ky quilter said...

I'm not a blogger . . . :( but enjoy thoroughly all the sewing & quilting blogs I follow daily. Sew inspirational!! Congrats on 7 years!!! Love, love, love the new blog look!

Peggy said...

I love the new look of your blog. It is the first one I go to every night when I am getting ready to read all the blogs. I don't have a blog, but I love to read them!!
Happy 7th Anniversary on your wonderful Blog.

Nancy-Rose said...

I've been blogging at my current home on the web for four years, and a couple more on a previous host. I've become ever so much more creative since I've started blogging and following other's blogs.

Happy Birthday!

Kim Brackett said...

Congratulations, Darlene! I've enjoyed reading your blog for many years. Yours was one of the first that I started reading, and you have inspired me so much! You've always been so prolific in your quilting, and there's always something pretty to see over here. Here's to the next seven years!

carolina quilter said...

Wishing you 7 x7 more happy blogging years!

barbara woods said...

congrats!!! i have been blogging i year and 6 months! got a way to go to catch up with you

JoyceLM said...

I've been blogging 0 years, 0 months, 0 days - but I've been reading quilt blogs for about 5 years - hope that counts. Thanks.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Love your makeover Darlene! And congratulations on seven years of blogging! I just checked and I have been blogging for over four years - yikes - I didn't know it was that long.

Cindy F said...

Congratulations! I went and looked and I started May 2010 but the last couple of years I haven't blogged a lot but I won't go into that. Love your new look!

Lynn said...

We started w/in a week of each other!! My first blog post was 06/05/06. AND if I was paying attention and posted on my anniversary date like I planned, it would have been my 1000th post! However I was at a 5th grade promotion and party for my dd. Instead my cat got the 1000th post two days later!

Happy Blogiversary!!! LOVE the new look!

VickiT said...

I may not be eligible as I do not have a blog. I've had plenty tell me to get one started but nothing yet as I am totally confused on how to do it all. LOL

But, I have been reading many blogs for a little over three years now as I tried to glean every bit of info I could while learning all about quilting.

Jan Baker said...

I am sorry to tell you that I am not a blogger. I just started reading them this year and fell in love with quilting blogs. I have learned so much and really appreciate you wonderful people who blog for us. I am glad you are not letting the 7 year itch get you down.

Happy Room Diana said...

I love to blog and started on September 30th 2008 at 2.21pm !
Read your blog every time you post.

Nancy E said...

Congrats on 7 years ... think I have read all your post. Love seeing the quilts you make! Already told you I love your new blog look!

rebecca said...

Yummy give-away!! Congrats on the milestone. I am not a blogger. I really enjoy others though!

rebecca said...

Yummy give-away!! Congrats on the milestone. I am not a blogger. I really enjoy others though!

Betsy said...

Darlene, thank you for the chance. I am thinking I have been blogging 4 years

Sharon J. Hughson said...

OOOOOH! I want to win this. LOL I made my first quilt as a skirt for a Jr. Women's affair. It was a Cathedral Windows pattern and just a nightmare to sit on. This was in the 60's and I didn't quilt again until 1988. Now I never stop.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Miss Jean said...

I've been blogging for five years now. My first blog was February 1, 2008.

Honeybee Quilter said...

I started blogging 6 years ago!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading blogs for about 4 years, but haven't found the time
to make my own. Seems my life isn't
as full of accomplishments as so
many others are; too much life and
work getting in the way of quiltings.

Jan K

Anonymous said...

I love your new look, so fresh and cheery! I think I've been blogging for6 or seven years.

ThreadCatcher said...

Your blog's new look is fantastic! I am not a blogger but have been following blogs since I began quilting three years ago. Thanks for the chance at a wonderful giveaway and congratulations on seven years of blogging!

Wendy said...

Am I too late? Next year will be my 7th year blogging. Love love the new look of your blog.

Ranch Wife said...

Happy Belated Anniversary! I love your new look - very charming! I know I'm late, but I'm behind on catching up! LOL And I did want to acknowledge your special day and makeover.

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