Monday, November 19, 2007

I Need to Rant!

I'm a little dismayed this evening! :-( And, quite frankly near tears!

I live in a retirement resort with very (emphasis on very) few resident quilters. A few weeks ago I was asked if I'd help start a mini quilting group and offer lessons. What the heck! We met for the third time today and it was great - new quilters are so much fun.

Anyway, back to my rant! One of the new quilters stopped by home to pick up some fabric and such before our gathering. She's never been in my home so she was in awe of all my quilts. I felt quite proud of myself. LOL While we were at our gathering she shared with everyone what she'd seen in my home and the woman who asked me to help asked why I had so many quilts and what were my plans. Well, my plans are to just own them and love them. LOL She was stunned and dismayed with me - saying she didn't understand why I would want to make and own so many quilts. I just smiled sweetly and said I'm just very obsessed by it all and really enjoy it. She just walked away shaking her head and telling the others that she'd never understand.

I don't understand why it would bother her so much that I make so many quilts and that I spend so much time sewing. And, why would she judge me like she did?

Yes, I could give all my quilts to others and/or charity but I do my fair share of charity quilting, I just don't talk about it. And, my friends and family have been recepients of many quilts - again I just don't talk about it. Why can't I just sew for the sheer enjoyment?

Thank you for letting me rant. Obviously this will not help my ho-hum mood!

edit: I had a long chat with my best friend (my DH) and he attempted to help me work through this. We chatted about why I sew as much as I do and why do I own so many quilts and flimsies. It's very simple - it makes me very happy. My quilts and flimsies hold so many memories - shopping for the fabric or pattern; who I shopped with; when and where I shopped, etc. I truly believe that every quilt tells a story and my quilts have many stories to tell. I don't want to feel ashamed of something that gives me so much joy.

In Friendship!


Anonymous said...

I think you need to tell that lady to get out of your house and don't come back!!! Why should you have to give away your quilts? Unless it's to me and Kimmers!!! LOL!! I am very picky over who I give mine to but let me tell you I have tons of them everywhere!!! This lady obviously isn't a quilter.

Carole said...

Please do not let the unsolicitated opinions of others get you down. She is right, she will never understand. As one of my philosophy Prof would say, "somethings just cannot be explained" and that's one of them. Darlene, you understand because you have a passion for quilting and you express that passion. Not everyone has a passion inside of them! To do something for the sheer joy of doing it, ah, that is passion! So, keep making all of those beautiful quilts and enjoy them! Smile, the world is better because you are there expressing your passion! She is free to not join the group. However, I feel she has a lot to learn from you, including the love of quilting and being able to express it! Hugs ((((((Darlene))))))) and keep quilting! Gosh, I'd love to participate in your gathering! Keep well my friend!

Norma said...

She will never understand and that is her loss. There are a lot of things that people do that I don't understand, but that doesn't make them wrong. Just make your quilts and enjoy each and every one of them and let her shake her head. There are nice people out there who DO understand!

Where are you located? I am in Mesa.

Maryjo said...

Making you happy...that is the key. It really doesn't matter what others think. Life it too short to let people get to you. Continue doing what you do best and enjoy it! I do!

Yvonne said...

Oh Darlene I'm sorry that she bothered you. Carole and everyone is not let her deter you from doing what you love. She will never understand and that is don't have to explain yourself to anyone. We know why you do because we do it too. We sew because it gives us great joy. Do not let your peace and contentment be robbed by someone who thinks she knows better. Some things just are. Hugs to you my friend!

Not Lucy said...

I have to agree with Carole about the PASSION. That is one of the reasons I sew - the other is that it keeps me sane (after a fashion). If I am industrious this evening my tally of finished quilts for this year will be up to 54. Not everyone I know understands my joy of sewing and quilting but then again I don't understand the joy of golfing or scrapbooking or sudoku or tennis or ... I am just glad I have something in my life that gives me joy everytime I do it. Keep on quilting!!!

Mar said...

GOOD GRIEF!! That woman should lock herself in her room!!! Doesn't she know how to play? I bet she skipped kindergarten and doesn't have any friends. I feel for her. Darlene, you on the other hand should be commended on your patience, understanding and tolerence of her inability to share your joy. No matter what it is!!!

Anonymous said...

How sad and lonely she must be, with an attitude like that. We (quilters) on the other hand are wonderful, happy, sharing individuals who quilt with a passion just like Carole said. If we didn't have a passion then we could either take it or leave it (quilting). I wonder if we asked this lady what her passion was, if she could answer. Perhaps you can teach her what it is to have a passion about fabrics, quilt patterns, etc. I can't imagine that she or anyone else would ever stop you from doing what you so obviously enjoy, so my little word of advice is. Enjoy what you do, the only person you need to please or explain yourself to is your. ((((((((Hugs))))))))

Wendy said...

That lady must have a really boring life. We quilters are passionate about quilting and making things with our hands. She should be jealous that she doesn't have something to bring as much joy as quilting does for us. I get asked all the time "so what do you do all day"? Duh...where do they think all these beautiful quilts come from. Anyways I'm getting side tracked. Don't let her comments get to you....we love to see all your quilts. And I'm with Carole, I'd love to belong to your group.

ForestJane said...

Maybe she was really hinting that she'd like one for herself and was hoping you would offer to give her one? lol

I think of all hobbies, quilting is one of the better ones... if there's a disaster and it gets cold, you can't get warm under a pile of paintings or a stamp collection.

I figure when I die, my family will get my quilts, and what better legacy to leave behind, all that color, softness, and warmth?

Juliann in WA said...

When my SIL told me that she sold a quilt I had made for my niece at her garage sale, I decided that I would stop trying to help people understand the reason that I quilt. My husband and daughters totally understand but few others do and that is okay. I just smile and walk away. So walk away Darlene, don't make eye contact - you are doing this for all the right reasons! And come back here and talk to us - we understand.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend,

To think that THIS lady dares criticize you, and in the meantime ask for your help ! Jealousy, jealousy... mother of stupidity ! Oh, I'm sooo ANGRY ! NO ONE has the right to bring you to tears, and instill sorrow into you. Darlene, being one of your lucky recipients, I KNOW how generous and sweet you are, and I cherish every little bit of your friendship and generosity. I can still remember the day when I sent that tiny quilty angel to you, because that's just what you are. I'm with Sharon : let it go, my friend, and DON'T let any of them in your sweet home again ! Tell them you've got too many quilts in project (LOL) and NO time for lessons ! With such a bad mentality, she will NEVER understand and NEVER be a real quilter. So, you'd go there with a heavy heart, hiding your wonderful personnality and enthusiam ! What would you take out of that ? Being "pumped" in a group that would take profit of you !
Would you have a million quilts at home is none of their business, as long as this makes YOU happy. Tell them we love OUR friend Darlene, just as she is, and we don't want her to change an inch of it ! Darlene, you'll never be aware of how many TRUE quilting friends you have inspired, encouraged and helped... STICK TO THAT, my friend, and BE HAPPY !

With a biiig special ((HUG)) and smiles to you.

(who is waiting to see your NEXT PROJECT !)

Anonymous said...

OOPS ! Forgot to tell you this :

Does an artist count how many paintings he made up to now ? Does he/she say "stop for now, I made enough of them" ?? He just makes what he feels he has to, because that's what makes him HAPPY!

Now you know what you have to do :


Smiles !

(and pleazzzzzzzzze, tell me my package has arrived today !)

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Trying not to judge...but what a judgmental statement for her to make...though I have had similar. I now say when asked why I do it all the time and why, "because it makes me happy and keeps me out of trouble" and i leave it at that!!! Tracey

Jenny said...

I agree with everyone that you should not take this personally. But I do feel sorry for her. How sad that she cannot relate in some way to your (our) passion and happiness. If you can please try and teach and share your passion with her. I can look at many different instances in my life, quilting included, where I was once on the other side and didn't understand how others felt. It's easy for me to say forgive her but maybe possible in your group setting? I think of all the time I never knew crafting and it seems like such I waste. Now it is MY passion.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, why was that woman being so darned judgmental? That wasn't very nice. I am with you. Do I need all the fabric and quilt kits that I have accumulated? No, probably not, but they give me joy. When I finish a quilt, it makes me feel so good! I want to do like you, just make myself a bunch of quilts to display around my house for the joy of it.

Kris B. said...

You should ask this lady or any other person for that matter that ever questions the amount of Quilts you have. Say this is my passion I love them and that is why I keep them. Tell them to go home and look around and see what they have 50+ more of in their home and then lets see what they say....Ask them to tell you what that is and why do they have 50+ more of those. We all have something in our lives that we have tons of that we just can't live with out I happen to have several my DH its video games same with my DS and my other DS right now its Dinosaurs. Don't let her get you down she is either jealous or she really just doesn't treasure anything and never has and thats sad for her.

Belvie said...

What an old biddy to say something to you like that!! Frankly, it's no ones business but yours how much you sew and quilt. As for me, I tell people my quilting habit keeps me off the streets and out of the bars....and out of trouble! :-) My mother has told me "I can't believe you have so much fabric." I just told her..."I'll never be naked or cold and I will always have something to do." She doesn't say much anymore.

Just be happy and keep doing what you do. You are a kind and caring lady and that is all that matters!

Libby said...

Quilting is a passion for some - us *s* - and for others it is the thing that women did back in the depression to keep their family warm. I bet if you went inside her home, there would be something about it -equally perplexing to you - that gives her much joy. Go on with your day and with your quilting and know the world is a better place because we are different.

Melanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julia said...

Absolutely do not feel ashamed of what you do. Does anyone question the artist for all of the painting they do, or the photographer for all of the photos they take. Quilting is art!! You are creating heirlooms that will live through the ages. They bring joy to not only you but, to others as well. Don't let one narrow minded, unhappy person discourage you. Keep stitching and smiling!!!

MARCIE said...

"You can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself". Ricky Nelson

AND isn't it nice to still have something to be passionate about?

Paula said...

Poor thing, you were probably her last chance to enter into the love of quilting...and she blew it. Her loss, not yours! I can't stand the question, "Who are you making this quilt for?" For the joy of it, for the love of it, for the desire to create. You don't have to explain why you quilt. I agree with what the others have written, it is a Happy Place....and every human needs one whether they realize it or not. Imagine reaching an old age without finding yours. Sad...

Anonymous said...

To heck with what others think! My son lives in Chandler and we have contemplated moving down that way. Too bad I couldn't live in the same place and you would have another obsessed quilter to share your love of fabric with! We'd really get them talking then. At our age, we just have to do what we enjoy and to heck with what others think. Hold you head up high and don't change a thing about you. Life is too short!
Nancy in WI

swooze said...

Don't spend another minute worrying over her. Just be happy and own your happiness!

SuBee said...

If that poor woman can't understand being passionate about something, she has a mighty bleak life, and you have to feel sorry for her family. You, Darlene, are the well rounded, interesting and fulfulled one!

Anonymous said...

Darlene, you and I are two peas in a pod. I love my quilts that I make. Sometimes I pull one out of the (large) pile and remember what went into making it. I've often felt a little guilty for having so many and giving so few. It doesn't take long for me to realize that I am the one who will love the quilts the most! Even though I have a very accepting family and they realize why I quilt, sometimes they just roll their eyes at my obsession. It's not unlike my dad who collects cars, my husband who collects old movies and my mom who has over 100 chairs in her house! This is my thing and it is what satisfies me. So, when people who don't understand what I do ask me about why on earth I spend my time holed up in my house in my sewing room playing with fabric, I just smile and tell them why I am so passionate about it and leave it at that. They are never going to understand and that makes me laugh!

Helen in the UK said...

If you love quilting and owning quilts, noone should be able to criticise you. Lots of others have vices (some legal, some not). If this makes you happy, keep doing it :)

Floss said...

Enjoy your quilts, and don't let any one make to feel bad about it, I think most quilter own a "few" quilts.

Kim said...

Hey, I like Sharon's answer--that part about giving me and her your quilts! ROFLOL! Besides being our hobby and our passion, quilting and the quilts we make are our legacy--something we'll leave behind for others to see and think about. I wonder what that woman does with her free time? Sit on her butt and watch TV? What will she leave behind someday? Bad feelings is my guess!

Susan said...

That poor woman....... She never will "get it" either. I am with you. I do not part with my quilts. Except for a very few that went to good homes where I could visit them and make sure they were well cared for.

I let my children go out into the world and it was not always nice to them. I will keep my quilts at home.

tami said...

Anyone who puts their time, heart and soul into making something understands that some projects are to special to be given to someone who may not appreciate them as they should be appreciated. Quite frankly I don't understand how she can NOT understand. :cD

Fiona said...

I think you should feel sorry for her - she clearly doesn't understand what it is to be creative and the joy that creativity brings.

atet said...

Ya know -- no one should be able to make you doubt something you love. So you have a lot of quilts and collect them -- I bet that woman has a whole lot of something in her home too. I bet it's Hummels or something else that doesn't have a use for anything but catching dust. You have a passion and are willing to share it with others. Enjoy the obsession -- and know you are not alone!

Carol said...

Your husband is a very smart man and I'm glad he talked you through this...I just don't understand some people and where they get the idea that they can be so darn mother would say that she just wasn't taught right when she was growing up and that we must feel sorry for her! LOL! Poor her she doesn't get it, has no idea of the joy our quilts and quilting bring us and the wonderful friendships we have because of our quilts.

Elaine Adair said...

...and besides, you are an artist. So there --humpffff to that lady.

We quilting bloggers all understand - shall I tell you how many quilts are in MY house ??? at least 100, given away about 75, and have 10 to 15 in process and they make ME happy, just looking at them. How I LOVE to swing open the cabinet doors to see them, and to show them to others. Heck I don't have to explain to YOU.

Bonnie said...

That woman probably has a huge collection of hurt feelings and petty jealousies. It's better to have quilts!

Pat said...

Don't allow someone to take up space in your head without paying rent! Quilting and quilts make you happy. They make me happy too! Continue to make and enjoy your quilts. Don't pay attention to what people think because they don't do it very often.

Karen said...

I'm always amazed at how some people can be so free to share their opinions, especially when unsolicitated without any regard to how they sound. I'm glad that you and hubby talked and hope that you can let her comments go. We all do things because we enjoy them, there doesn't always have to be a purpose or a reason. Enjoy your talent and keep sharing with others. Hugs - Karen

Thimbleanna said...

Wow, you've obviously struck a chord here -- look at all these comments! You just have to give up trying to understand her -- non-quilters will never understand us, just as we'll probably never understand that they're missing the desire to create (and keep and love) quilts. It just can't be understood except by those who share the same obsession -- and you have lots of those friends here!

Pam said...

It is certainly funny how some people feel that their opinion and approval is required by all others!! Good thing you found that out about her early in the game --- LOL!!
Sounds like she's a bit of a pill!! Best ignored :)) And she certainly is NOT a quilter!!

Anonymous said...

I hope it brings you great comfort to know there are many, many of us, near and far, who share your same passion. People often say 'you can only have so many quilts'. For me there will never be enough. I love quilts, quilting, the process from beginning to end, and all the wonderful people we meet along the stitching path.

Anne Ida said...

Hi, Darlene! I think this is a reaction from someone who really don't "get it"! ...similar to the person who told me quilting wasn't fashionable, so she didn't bother doing it any more. My feeling is that we do what we do because we love it, we need it, and we get a special feeling from having the beauty of our fabric creations around us! And that is nothing to be ashamed of! Enjoy your quilting! And your quilts!
Big hugs...

Perry said...

If quilting is what makes you happy then be happy. You certainly aren't hurting anyone and someone somewhere along the line will be so grateful for one of your quilts someday.

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

Keep on quilting!! Don't be bothered by this kind of people, they are only jelous!!! The quilting is my medicine, and it cheers me up, even when I'm sad. Don't let it get to you. You spread a lot of happiness around you when you are having fun quilting. Sometimes, a few people just don't get it. I guess she better find something else to do if it get her in that negative mood.LOL, I would be so rude that I've shown her the door!!!
Happy sewing:-)

Carla said...

My feelings would have been hurt, too, if someone had said that to me. Some people are so free with what they say and don't think about how it affects others. It's like they need an internal filter to keep the hurtful thoughts from being said for no apparent reason. You obviously have many friends that agree with you and that's what really counts!

Katie said...

Just scroll up to see how many people understand! :)

I think the operative word is "new". She's a new quilter so just doesn't get it. If you made them, they're yours. Bottom line.

And you're happy! Stay happy and enjoy the new quilters who do get it.

Not Lucy said...

See - you aren't the only crazy quilter - there are lots of us out there!

p.s. I tagged you on my blog

Nan said...

I am always amazed at people who toss out their unwanted opinions, like they are the absolute truth! Your quilts are your pride and joy, and whether you keep them or give them away is no one's business but your own.
This lady cannot take your love of quilting away from you. Everyone does quilting (as they do everything else in life) for their own reasons, right? And, since she doesn't get it, she is the loser here, not you. What a wonderful and beautiful gift you have for quilting, and it is to be celebrated, not condemned.
I have spoken!!!!

Knot Garden said...

Don't let anyone make you feel guilty or in the wrong in any way about your quilts. You need no justification to make quilts! It is honest, artistic and useful work. I think maybe there was a bit of jealousy there. You could also put it down to ignorance. That person obviously didn't know the meaning of creative expression, and the loss is hers. xox

Shelli said...

Quilting is THE healthiest addiction - you keep at it!

Sherry said...

It's obvious that the woman who "will never understand" is and, and probably never will be, a quilter.

Quilters understand. . . and all that matters is that you are happy with what you have.

Sounds like *she's* got the problem, not you.

Happy Quilting!


julieQ said...

I am sorry you had to go through this. I am hesitant to even give a quilt as a gift to a non-quilter, 'cause they just don't understand, and it may end up as a packing blanket. Oh well, a gift is a gift, but it kind of hurts to see my handquilted quilt used as a dropcloth...

Don't let the turkeys get you down!!


Cher said...

gee Darlene! 53 comments and counting later-I would say you have lots of company in those of us who love to quilt, love to have stash, and enjoy keeping as many quilts as we darn well feel like! some folks do NOT get it...well-their loss. You just keep right on making those quilts and being happy! that's what it's all about!

Tazzie said...

Don't even give that woman another thought hon. I was thinking as I was reading your message that maybe she was jealous, some people have to bring others down in order to make themselves feel better - perhaps she was envious of your lovely quilts.
Everyone seems to have a similar view though, this is our artistic expression, and it makes us happy. Nothing more needs to be said.
*big hugs*

Greenie Gardens said...

As a new reader of your blog I would like to weigh in on this. You don't need to explain yourself or what you do to anyone! You aren't hurting anyone, you are helping others to learn or improve a skill and frankly I am shaking my head at that lady's silly attitude. They're YOUR quilts! I think I'm on a rant, too! Happy Quilting I certainly couldn't do without it!

Anonymous said...

I bet if you collected stamps or such she wouldn't have blinked an eye!

So quilt away and never mind her.

Hanne said...

We quilt because we need it like air - we think it, talk it, breath it, do it !
Hugs, Hanne :-)

Joyce said...

Ditto to all of the above. Seems there are more people like you than like her (thank goodness) so take heart.

Doodlebug Gail said...

Darlene - (((HUGS))) - you have a creative outlet and you are happy, that is all that matters! She'll never understand .... don't you feel sorry for her in a weird kind of way?

Please don't ever stop what you're doing - I love your blog and you provide such inspiration to so many people. One person shouldn't be able to spoil your fun.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Judith said...

Some people are like that. I was even thrown out of a stitching group, because I did have to many finishes, they were just jealous. Don't feel bad, it is their problem.

Leanne said...

Do not let the opinion of others worry you - life is tooo short. I have forgotten how often when someone who doesn't know me asks "what do you do in your spare time" my reply is always "stitch" They then look at me as if I have grown another head. The same goes with blogging if you don't blog you just don't get it.

Unknown said...

You are rich (I don't mean in money - I mean in terms of fulfilment, enjoyment, creativity, spousal support etc) and she is clear;y poor in spirit and probably in other ways too. Disparity in my expereince can lead to jealously which even if not recognised as such manifests as crticism - she need not worry about not having your joy and passion and membership fo a community and all the other wonderful things I have discovered that quilting brings if in fact she can tag your quilting as stupid. Why not give her a small quilted gift so she can undertsand the joy of owning such a thing? And don't ever feel you should give up. I have never seen so many comments on a blog so obviously you are very much in the majority! You deserve your pleasure in life and no one can take that from you! PS I have added your blog to my favourites list having stumbled on it today by accident.

Sherry said...

Please don't let this get you down. First of all, the comments were from someone who doesn't even know you or your passion of quilting. You deserve to keep every quilt you want to keep just as we all do. I too do my share of charity quilting but keep many for myself or family. That gal will never understand!

Katrina said...

It seems to me that she didn't even try to understand! I went many years not owning one quilt that I made and that actually upset me after a while. This woman must not understand how many quilts quilters give away to try and make you feel bad about actually owning some of them. Put it down to ignorance and feel good about everything that you have accomplished!

Kim said...

My comment will probably be lost among all of these, but I just had to say something in your defense! One word. Joy. For those of us who "get it" quilting brings great joy to our lives and usually those around us, in more ways than we can list!

I am sorry for this person who behaved so poorly. I would much rather know a person who shares the joy of quilting than a person who shares the less than joyfulness of judgment. :)

Anonymous said...

You know, I wouldn't waste another minute of thinking of her. I'd be busy making ANOTHER quilt!!!! We do what makes us happy. My daddy always said, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." It's none of her business how many quilts/stash/ or anything else you have. If it makes us happy - you go girl! Not to worry, I think she is very jealous of all your quilts!

gloria g. Richards, TX

~Bren~ said...

Well as you have 67 comments on this already, I almost did not post mine. I decided to anyway. It sounds like you have "dealt" with the comment that was formed out of ignorance. I am glad you see that owning many quilts and flimseys is a wonderful thing! If you never did one charity quilt or gift quilt but owned 1000 quilts yourself THAT would also be ok!!! You are an awsome woman Darlene and to give of yourself to teach THAT woman to quilt (among the others) says much about your generous spirit!! 2 cents!

Granny said...

I'm with you. I know I have too many quilts and flimsies but that's what makes me happy. Sounds to me like the lady is narrow minded. If it isn't something SHE would do, then why would anyone else do it? You sound perfectly normal to me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Darlene, I HAD to comment on your "rant", as I have had exactly the same reaction from someone.I, as you do, give away and make for charity, probably as many quilts as I keep. In discussing this with another quilting friend, we decided they just don't "get It". They don't understand the creative process, and the enjoyment we get from creating something from nothing.So, the next time, you get this reaction....or a blank stare,that I have seen when some people look at a quilt, remember....they just dont "get it", lol. I really enjoy your blog, and your projects. Stop and see mine sometime. Barb @

Alison said...

Never be ashamed of the things you love! You go girl, make the quilts, buy the fabric, it obviously makes you happy as it does me. I know I haven't 'met' you before but I wanted to say hello and send my thoughts your way!

Alisa said...

Darlene - just a thought... could it be you are so upset because there is some truth to what she is saying? No, she shouldn't have been talking about you. That is not kind at all. But maybe she has seen much need in her life, and owning so many quilts seems somewhat wasteful to her. Maybe she sees it as bad stewardship of resources... My advice - just keep loving her, and, truly ponder why you are so upset about it. I find when I am really upset about something someone says to me or about me, it is partially (or totally) true, and that's why I'm so mad. Maybe this isn't something you want to read, but we do have to get real sometimes too.

Jenni said...

Just tell her you are a collector. Lots of people collect all sorts of strange things, and collecting quilts isn't one of them. She probably doesn't have any friends...

OneGoodWoman said...

I realize my comment is a little late, but I just wanted to say that I feel for you! Why? Because I know NO other quilters in my area and none of my friends or family understand my obsession with quilting. Whenever I show my mother my latest quilt she says, "But what are you going to DO with it??" Why do I have to do anything with it, other than just enjoy it? It makes me happy to look at my quilts!

I have the overflowing stash problem too, so if you come up with any solutions on that, let me know, LOL! (I do find that taking the time to clean & organize my sewing room inspires me to work on my projects.)

Hey, maybe we can start a support group for misunderstood quilters!

Vickie E said...

Who cares what others have to do what makes you feel happy. Sounds to me like that person is very unhappy herself or insecure. She has to try to put you down to feel better and that's just sad.

Doe said...

We're here for you and we definitely understand.

Group hug!!!!

antique quilter said...

you just need to quilt that is all there is to it.
fills our lives with much joy...
something some people will never understand
keep being yourself and doing what makes you happy.
kathie in nj
my blog is back :)

Anonymous said...

You could ask her - now why would you care about how many quilts I have? Or - what makes you ask such a question? That usually is enough to stop the rude comments. I have given away many quilts - and still have a large stack of them in my house. I have to rotate them on the beds so they all get used and appreciated - but I'd not part with one of them. They are my friends and bring happy memories.

G'G'ma said...

After all these comments I hope you are feeling better....even wonderful!! But I know it is hard to dismiss friends comments. My first bed size quilt was following a Georgia Bonesteel lap quilting pattern. I hand quilted it and was feeling so excited about my finished quilt. A sister-in-law saw it and said she didn't like the double lattice.That was the extent of her comment! I was crushed. But then she had never hand quilted anything. I am just an average quilter but love everything I've made. Since I discovered quilters blogs I feel
like I've met a whole new community of like minded friends.

The Calico Cat said...

I wonder if she wonders why people collect stamps, coins, etc.

Patti said...

Does this lady go around criticizing the rest of the residents for their passions? She's the sick one - not you.

Busy Little Quilter said...

I am so sorry that you had to deal with this lady! She, evidently, hasn't gotten bit by the quilting bug, yet.

Anything that keeps your mind thinking, your hands busy, and your heart happy is all that matters. The fact that you are taking time to share with others your love of quilting by teaching them how to quilt, says so much about the kind and caring person that you are.

My best friend has a theory: she said that when she dies, the kids will never remember if her house was clean or if her cooking was great, but they will trip over each other trying to get to their favorite quilts!

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