"Journey of a Quilter"
best I could do :-)
I've been promising Kathy that I would share the first six blocks of my Quilter's Journey stitchery project. Well, here I am finally - thanks for waiting patiently Kathy. :-)
Yes, I'm in desperate need of a design wall but until that happens this is the
Yes, I'm in desperate need of a design wall but until that happens this is the
#1 - blocks 1 & 2
#2 - blocks 3 & 4
#3 - block 5 & 6
I think there are only two totally completed blocks and the other four still have a few finishing stitches I need to do. Now I need to piece and trace the final three blocks.
I absolutely adore all the stitchery designs that come from the wonderfully talented Australian designers. This project is by Leanne at Leanne's House and Natalie at Cinderberry Stitches has some adorable whimsical designs, Rose at Threadbare has some inspirational designs and Gail Pan at http://gailpandesigns.typepad.com/my_weblog/is new to me but I've fallen in love with "Flowers for Thee".
If you have a minute or two please take a few minutes to visit their blogs. I like to order from Honeysuckle Cottage - don't miss that website, Kim's a delight. Believe me when I tell you that postage from AU is very, very reasonable.
Thank you again, for popping by to sit and share with me. I appreciate that you do!
In Friendship!
Edit - sadly, I've struggled with Blogger and my pictures so I'm so sorry they are scattered! :-(
Those blocks are just beautiful, Darlene! That looks like a really fun project.
Lovely blocks and very lovely idea!
I rigged a temporary design wall that works great -- I affixed some thin batting to the wall with painter's tape. A painter told me not to leave it longer than 14 days, or the tape will harm the wall, but it had been up a couple months before he told me. Anyhow, it's easier than putting the tape on the blocks, which it looks like you've done.
Your blocks are beutiful. Love the colours you are using. I am so desperate to sew now......must admit I did a few stitches yesterday.
Darlene those blocks are just beautiful. That's on my retirement project list. Hmmmmm that list seems to be getting very long.
Oh my gosh, your blocks are gorgeous! You've done a wonderful job of stitching and piecing. I LOVE looking at them again and again.
Hey-- your kicking butt-- taking names on that project!!! I just love it and I'm green with envy...You're just going to love the finished project...
I can't believe you're making me drool over this amazing quilt of yours. BE-A-UTIFUL!
This is such a cheery quilt both in sentiment and in fabric. No design wall here . . . just design floor. Helps my quilts have that lived in look as Harper usually stomps on them two or three times to get everything just right *s*
Beautiful stitchery!! It will be a beautiful quilt!
Waytago, Darlene! Those blocks are absolutely gorgeous! They're awesome!
Stunning, these are truly beautiful! Job well done.
Oh they are so beautiful! But way to putsy for me!
Just gorgeous Darlene, I love the fabrics you've used to piece them together, so soft and pretty. I seem to be going through a pretty phase.
Well, there you go again, Darlene--copying me! Okay, maybe not, since you'd have to be a mind reader! LOL! I've been a bit in love with the stuff they're doing "down under" and figured I'd write about it in my blog one day soon--you just beat me to it! LOL! Love your Quilter's Journey! Oh, and a flannel backed vinyl tablecloth makes a decent design wall--you can use it on a temporary basis if you want and even take it down and roll it up until you need it again. Just pick one up at WalMart or wherever. I'm not sure how I'd survive without a design wall and have been thinking about fixing mine so it has a couple different layers--that way, I wouldn't have to take one project down to put another up. What's that you say? Maybe I wouldn't have to do that if I'd just FINISH something? Ha! LOL!
Your blocks are superb Darlene. It will be a beautiful quilt.
Our Aussie designers are a talented bunch, aren't they.
I AM J E A L O U S ! ! ! (LOL)
Darlene, dear, you did such a GREAT job ! I love everything : the stitcheries, the fabrics, the colors..... I HAVE TO order that pattern ! It's so pretty... even the name makes me dream. (And you know I'm a good dreamer! LOL).
Beautiful combination of embroidery and fabrics. The quilt will be just gorgeous.
Leannes quilt is just superb and its been wonderful seeing all of them "in progess"...she is a talented lady and inspires so many........im proud to be australian!!!!
I am just in awwwww! I want more hours in a day! Please tell me your secret! Would you believe that school starts after labor day and my profs have already sent, via e-mail, work do to for the first class? I need one of those time turners! Darlene, it is beautiful! Off to quilt!
What beautiful blocks! I love all the stitcheries, especially the one that speaks of the "journey of a quilter" - how lovely! I have been intrigued by the Australian designers, but have never seriously looked at their work - I am definitely going to do so now! Thank you for the lovely post, Darlene! Very inspiring this morning!
Your blocks are so sweet and lovely! I love the fabrics you are using for this.
Can I say that I just love them!!!! I've been traveling around the blogs and drooling over all the Leanne projects. I've been resisting the temptation to order them but I'm feeling weaker and weaker......
Oh my goodness Darlene!!
I am amazed at how beautiful your blocks are! They look so much more soft, pretty, and inviting than mine. Thanks so much for showing your block photos - very inspiring!
I better get going to catch up now - I'm only starting to sew my block 5!
OMG I love your beautiful blocks. Way too cute!! Can't wait to see the quilt all put together. I just LOVE it!!!
Those blocks are just beautiful!!
Kind Regards,
Nice to meet you Darlene. I saw your comment on the UNWRITTEN blog. I love the soft pastel tones of your journey of! I’m working on it as well.
Every time I see this BOM on a website it makes me wish I were doing it. I called The Buggy Barn to see if they were still offering it and it's sold out. She says they are getting something in called "A Quilters Journey" from the same designer that's a similar idea - I'll have to watch for that one. Yours is looking marvelous!
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