A Rainy (Weepy) Kind of Day
Another fun day in my happy place. :-) The sky was doing some serious raining (weeping) this morning when we rolled out of bed. It continued to rain (weep) for most of the day. We don't have very many rainy days but when we do I must admit I love to spend the time in my happy place. There's just something about it. :-)
Lots accomplished - woohoo!!!

(pardon the dirty shirt - he's a busy boy)
We stayed to visit with our daughter and all the little people for a bit and then headed home to cook dinner. Now that I'd finished all twelve blocks I really needed to locate that elusive finishing kit. During our little commute time I thought I had figured out where the kit might be so I was super excited to get home. Guess what - it wasn't there. I spent quite a bit time searching, digging, more searching, more digging - it's hiding really well. I was getting incredibly frustrated and came very close to tears. In fact, I'd been weepy most of the day (just like the sky), sensitive to the tone of some one's voice (on the phone or in person), weepy if I didn't assemble part of a block correctly, etc. Just weepy!
Rather than continuing to be frustrated over the elusive finishing kit I decided to jump into a new project. Vintage Modern to the rescue - LOL

Maybe I need to consider breaking open that BIG box right now. LOL
Enjoy a pieceful day - thank you for stopping by.
In Friendship!
OMG you've got me hyperventilating here...love those ornaments...that pattern has been sitting on my cutting table for weeks! LOVE it! And Hot Tamales...OMG I could eat that whole box! Makes me sew faster! Stop looking for the finishing kit...just stop! Go about doing whatever you want to do...then it will turn up in a place you've looked 10 times...I promise!
Now what could be better than hot tamales and Christmas ornament quilt blocks.. heaven, pure heaven. :)
Great finish on your block! The ornament quilt looks so fun, durn I think I have that pattern files away. Good luck on your search for the finishing kit. Be careful you don't run into more UFO's!!
The rain was just glorious yesterday!! Great progress on all your blocks. You are a sewing whiz this month and now with red hots to keep the fire burning.
It's raining here today, so I have my quilting ready to go. I love the ornament blocks. I have not seen that one before.
My goodness, you have been sewing up a storm lately. Feels good doesn't it!!
Way to go! You are on a sewing roll.
Those ornaments are great.
Look at you go!! Now you've got me feeling all guilty about not assembling my mystery blocks!!
I adore rain - but it doesn't adore me, makes me ache. I really love your blocks Darlene, and I hope you find your finishing kit! Eli is such a handsome lad, I hope he doesn't carry that umbrella into high school, lol...
Your little ornaments are so sweet. I hope you feel better sweetie, and that the sun is shining in your heart today!
Loved your post! You REALLY got a lot done on your weepy day! Hope you find that finishing kit soon. It'll be in the last place you look!! LOL!
Woo Hoo! Seriously sewing over there! Your blocks are looking fab and oh gosh those ornaments are delightful too! You are putting me to shame girl! AND...oh gosh the previous post with the packages is stinkin cute! You were fast!!!
What a cutie your GS is!! A chip off the ol'block?! haha
I had to expand the pic of the candy to find out what Hot Tamales were?? Our Mexican restaurants are few and far between up here in Canada...so will have to look for this down south. Sounds...interesting...? BUT I am enjoying your Christmas blocks...dang sweet!
Yay for weepy skies, but not weepy eyes. Thankfully a productive sewing day, quality time with little people, new projects,and a box of Hot Tamales were on the menu! Your ornament blocks are super cute!
I just hate that when I can't find something I'm looking for. As soon as you decide to finish it with something else, you'll find it!! I think you're wise to work on another project while it surfaces!!
What a lovely bunch of BOM blocks. And a handsome young grandson!
Are you QUITE sure you purchased the setting kit? I would be going mad and weepy too at this point. Hope it gets better the more ornaments you sew!
Great job on your BOM and wow, you have three ornaments done!!! You are really on roll getting things done. Your grandson is so handsome!!
Okay, now I'm wishing I had signed up for that BOM too!! Love your blocks!
These are beautiful quilts. I've enjoyed your blog very much. I've just recently started taking machine piecing classes and discovering these blogs is very exciting for me.
May I please ask a question. You are using spray starch on your quilts. Do you wash them before quilting or before using? The ladies at the quilt shop are adamant about not using starch...or steam.
I know I need something, but Best Press is out of my price range. I would like to explore all my options.
I would really appreciate your feedback on this and hope you don't think I'm too forward in asking.
Thanks in advance
The VM ornaments... They are calling my name! Good luck on the hunt. I'm sure you will find the kit.
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