A Whole Lot of Nothing!
I hope that you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with lots of food, fun and laughter - making new memories! We had a wonderful day!
I don't like to shop so I stayed home most of the week end. Did venture out on Friday afternoon to Joann's to take advantage of the sale on quilting notions.
Last night I went to stay with one of the little men in my life, Eli (he's three) while his mom, dad and big brother, Seth went to a concert. He's a real kick so we had a great time together! :-)
I spent today with my newest stitchery project - The Night Before Christmas by Cinderberry Stitches. Two stitched panels done/two to go! Hoping to have it done by the end of the week so I can use it with the other Christmas decorations.
I've been thinking quite a bit about my lack of desire to sew the past few months. I've decided that there are many contributing factors.
1. The stash is overwhelming and paralyzing.
2. I've been chastised and criticized for blogging.
3. Then last week I was criticized for having so many flimsies (aka quilt tops) and quilts.
I need to figure out how to handle the STASH but I can't do that until I figure out how to get past 2 and 3. Right? Well, I need to dust off the heart I wear on my sleeve (I get my feelings hurt very easily) and just continue doing what I enjoy without worrying about what others say or think. So, wish me luck with all of this - LOL!
Yes, yes I promised a surprise! 71 comments were left on my "Rant" post and I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the encouragement, support, words of kindness etc. I'm going to toss all of you (oh, ok, your names - LOL) into a drawing for a few surprise giftees. So sometime tomorrow or Tuesday I'll post the winning name(s). Yes, I do plan to draw more than one name. :-)
In Friendship