Swaps & Random Acts of Kindness
I've been waiting patiently for my July Christmas Swap package to arrive! It's a delightful package from Shiree in New Zealand and worth the wait. :-) Be sure to click on the image so you can read the sweet sentiment on the bag and you know how much I love redwork and stitchery! Shiree, thank you so much for sharing your talent with me - the table topper will be wonderful on my kitchen table at Christmas. :-)

A while back I made a firm decision to stop participating in swaps - they are too stressful on me. I'm never sure about the package I'm sending - will it be enough, will be cute enough, etc. I decided to participate in this particular swap with Linda and Stephanie because it was an 'invitation only' and I felt honored to be invited. Thank you ladies! Sadly, my partner has not received the package I mailed to her - this has never happened to me. Sigh! I know it has happened to others and now I know the stress and angst you must have felt. My partner has asked me not to send a new package - she's still hoping that the package will arrive. For obvious reasons I will put a new package in the mail soon.
Now my decision to stop participating in swaps is more than firm - I'm definitely done! :-) BUT....(you knew there had to be a 'but') LOL
I don't have much desire to sew or quilt for myself so I've decided that Random Acts of Kindness (aka RAK's as Kaaren calls them) are the thing for me. :-) Maybe if I work on something for an unsuspecting friend the desire to sew something for myself will return!
These are the first four that will be headed out the door before the end of the week. You might recognize the little quilts I made with scraps of 1/2 square triangles leftover from a project. There are four little quilts but one is staying home with me. teehee! (yes I do have a selfish streak) The blue fabric with the chickens is actually the back of a small quilt that will be going far, far away - I can't show you the front right now because she might guess it's hers. LOL

In Friendship with gratitude!