A Rough Week!
(life in perspective)

Seriously - it's been a very rough week. I'm not here to ask for your pity but I do have something to say.
My hubby, Ron (aka Mr Daze) continues to struggle with health challenges due to problems with his big heart. He's scheduled for a procedure next Wednesday and we hope that will help.
My mom had major surgery last Monday and spent five days in ICU. I faced the decision - where should I be - with my mom in Texas or with my husband here in Arizona. I chose to stay here in AZ but naturally suffered some guilt. My mom's surgery went well - three aneurysms were discovered and removed. Whew! Now the healing begins.

Earlier this week the blogging community received news that our dear friend,
Kaaren of The Painted Quilt has been dealt a very serious health challenge. She's one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and it's a privilege to call her my friend. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers, please!
During all this turmoil and stress it was maliciously implied that I had done some wrongdoings! I'm not here to defend myself because my friends and I know the truth. Enough said!
I'd like to ask that we put life in perspective and think about who's been wronged......my husband who's very active lifestyle has been curbed, my mom who went into a serious surgery incredibly frightened and Kaaren who is facing a battle with her health. Think about it, my friends.
False accusations and bullying needs to stop immediately - life is just too short!
Thank you for indulging me!
In Friendship!