Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
My Secret Santa Christmas package arrived from Jenny in AU and I was elated when I found these goodies enclosed. I've never seen a bag like the one in the picture on the left - I'm going to assume that it was knitted and then felted. I can't wait to show it off! LOL
And the goodies in the other picture - a calendar with pictures of AU and note the Kanagroo buttons taped to the calendar. I need to find a special project to use the buttons. Probably should use the fabric with koalas in the same project. Isn't that card adorable? This package put a huge smile on my face. Thank you so much, Jenny!
And a huge thanks to Donna for organizing the Secret Santa Exchange. I don't know know whether or not my partner received the package I sent but hopefully she did.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were wonderful in my household and I hope they were in yours, as well.
Holiday Blessings In Friendship!
Monday, December 24, 2007
November and December snowpeoples (as Yvonne calls them - lol) are done! Everytime I finish one I declare "this one is my favorite" but truth be told they are all my favorite. :-) I will put them aside as I contemplate how to set them into a quilt - any ideas?
Thanks for your get well wishes - I'm feeling much better! :-)
Can you believe it's Christmas Eve? I hope that you have wonderful plans with your loved one(s) to celebrate the season and lest we not forget the 'Reason for the Season'.
Holiday Blessings In Friendship!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
The following goodies arrived in the mail from Nadine several weeks ago! The totebag with the bluework bunny on one side (I'll share the redwork side later) is adorable. Look at all the other goodies - I snickered when I saw the "Cuppa Candles" - Nadine and I exchange e-mails titled "having a cuppa with you". My friend, thank you so much for being a friend! I feel very blessed to call you my friend!
You may have seen the picture of the adorable pillow on Wendy's blog several weeks ago - I was the lucky recepient of this cutie. Wendy and I have been exchanging 3" nine patches since August and she enclosed these treasures in my November package. Thank you, Wendy for your friendship! You are a blessing!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
You must read the current issue of "Quilter's Home" - you really must. A dear local friend pointed out this particular issue to me on Friday night. She lurks on my blog and knew it would 'hit home'. (Hi Gwyn!)
The following articles hit home with me:
1. Mean Girls - How to put Quiltzilla in her place (remember I blogged about Quiltzilla on 11/19. Lots of great tips on how to deal with 'her'. :-)
2. Tips to Rev Up Your Quilting - great tips to get your Mojo back. (mine is returning slowing)
3. Managing Your Mess (the piles of magazines and such that are difficult to give up)
I hope that your days of full of happiness and joy - if you're experiencing extremely cold temps, please stay home - keep warm and stitch to your heart's content.
Thanks for popping by to visit with me! I'll be back later with many, many pictures and updates.
In Friendship!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Officially on Vacation!!!!!! :-)
I've finished working for 2007 and I'm officially on vacation till the end of the year. Wahoo!
Now it's time to do all the Christmas shopping and then hopefully spend lots and lots of time with my needle and thread. Bliss! :-)
On the left is my "Night Before Christmas" stitchery project by Cinderberry Stitches. It's been finished for a few weeks but I can't find a suitable fabric for the outer border. Sigh! I don't want to settle so it'll wait. :-)
On the right is a new stitchery project. I lurk on Linda's Redwork Yahoo Group and discovered these cuties there. I thought I'd trace them and work on them through the year but I've stitched these four this week. LOL This project will be finished before I know it.
Time to go to bed - tomorrow I'm off to do all or most of my Christmas shopping!
Happy holidays and thanks for stopping by to visit with me!
In Friendship!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Not just sewing but having a blast! This new project has put a bounce in my needle and thread and this new bounce has been a very long time coming. LOL
Let me tell you about this pattern. When I saw this quilt on Joanna's blog several months ago it spoke very loudly to me. I knew immediately that I would make this quilt as soon as the pattern was available. And, it became available this week. It's called "Prairie Sweets" and it's featured on the cover of Fresh Vintage, Issue #6 by Fig Tree Quilts. When I realized on Monday that it was available I ordered it immediately and it arrived today! WooHoo! I pulled out my Allspice Tapestry fat quarter bundle (also by Fig Tree Quilts/Moda) and got busy. I need to scour the on-line shops to find a few more background prints but in the meantime I can get a few more blocks done. I've decided to hand applique the circles so it could take me awhile to get this project done.
It felt so good it felt to sit at my machine with a joyful heart today.
Thanks for visiting - come back soon!
In Friendship!
I bet you're sick of seeing the "Men" that are adorning my kitchen this holiday season! :-) I couldn't help myself, I had to share these cuties.
As I look around my home and realize more and more than I am seriously missing the 'Decorating Gene' I can't help but make a HUGE decision! Yep, it's a decision I've been contemplating for a while now.
Are you ready for this?
I've decided that when I grow up I want to be Kim. She just continues to amaze me - this woman has some serious decorating and talent genes. Yes, she does!!!! She pieces flimsies and then quilts them herself on a domestic sewing machine; she designs and does beautiful applique; she paints; she cooks; she makes journals - and, this my friends is just the tip of the iceberg. Whew! I've tried really hard to be her QBFF so that hopefully she'll share some giftees with me but I've failed miserably. LOL
I have a major problem to overcome! Can you help me? I absolutely refuse to grow up so I'm not sure when I'll be able to become KIM. :-)
I hope you're finding time to relax and enjoy the busy days that are surrounding us right now. Thanks for visiting and laughing with me.
I'll be back later or tomorrow with pictures of giftees and treasures that have arrived from Nadine, Wendy and Nan.
In Friendship!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Twinkle Time!
This baking Santa and tiny tree sit on the bar between the kitchen and living room! I couldn't figure out how to hide the base of the tree (it's really tacky) so I stood it in the red gingerbread men pie plate and piled on the Starlight Mints (I saw a similar idea on someone else's blog but sadly I don't remember who it was - I'm sorry!).
edit: Actually, on the blog I can't remember, had a standing in a bowl of Starlight mints but I liked the idea to hide the tree base.
The tree is sparsely decorated because I ordered some tiny gingerbread type cookie ornaments and I think they are too small. This will have to do. The only thing that matters - he makes us SMILE :-)
Happy Holidays and thanks for visiting with me!
In Friendship!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
May I have a drumroll, please! The envelope, please! :-)
Mar, Juliann & Hanne please send your mailing address so I can pop a surprise in the mail very soon!
Thank you one and all for leaving all the kind, sweet and encouraging words regarding my recent "rant" posting.
Thanks for visiting my blog - I love that you do!
In Friendship!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
(have ya missed me?)
It's been a week full of a whole lot of nothing and then some. :-) That doesn't make sense, does it? LOL

I promise to return tomorrow to post winners of my "Rant Surprise Giveaway".
Thanks for caring and for visiting my blog!
In Friendship!!!!!!