Bits and Bobs
Last Saturday Carrie of
Miss Rosie's Quilt Co was scheduled to do a book signing (surely you know she has a new book - Another Bite of Schnibbles?) at The Olde World Quilt Shoppe. So after much hemming and hawing I decided to take a drive out to visit with her and to see Dee, Jordan and Whitney (missed her). I'd also received an e-mail from Jan (my quilt retreat friend) telling me that she'd be there with a friend and would love to see me.
Carrie was the "Bell of the Ball", Dee and Jordan were super sweet and happy to see me (it had been a year since I'd been there - what is up with that?) and it was fun to see Jan and meet two of her friends.
HAD to do a little shopping however I'd promised Mr Daze that I'd be good!
You do know that being 'GOOD' is definitely overrated but I managed to be very 'Good'. teehee :-)
I grabbed the new Better Homes and Gardens Sew Scrappy magazine, a layer cake and background fabric of Count Down to Christmas by Sweetwater for
Moda. Need it for some of my Christmas giftees! :-)

After visiting with everyone and looking around I headed home. When I got home I sat down to read my new magazine. I was anxous to see
Sherri's sweet new pattern Gum Drops (in the lower right hand corner) but I was shocked to discover a pattern by
Kathie (it's the cover quilt). It's definitely a delightfully scrappy quilt with elements of surprise. If you don't already own this publication then you really should. :-) Two of my favorite bloggy friends are STARS! :-)
The Christmas stitching continues with a vengence and I'm having tons of fun. No, can't show you! You wouldn't want me to ruin surprises, would you? 'wink'
Thanks for popping in to visit with me. I hope you come again soon.
In Friendship!