Lest you think I've been sitting around doing nothing while this blog has been sitting idle. It's been a very productive week in my little corner of the world.
I spent several days cleaning and decluttering my sewing room. There's still some work to be done but I'm ecstatic with the results of my hard work. :-)
With a clean cutting area I was ready to jump into this month's Another Year of Schnibbles project Dimestore. Nothing like waiting till the last minute - LOL With encouragement from my CTTY partner in crime, Cheryl, I got it done. woohoo!!!!

I love Carrie's version of Dimestore so I, too, used Urban Cowgirl to make mine. Not very creative but I'm a happy girl. LOL (someday I'll take a straight picture-LOL)

I appreciate your visit - come again soon.
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