I'm Back In The Saddle Again :-)
(you're singing with me, aren't you? LOL)
I'm a proud member of the
Charming Girls' Quilt Club but sadly in recent months I have not been an active participant. And, I joined A Year of Schnibbles and have not completed one Schnibble project. No, I'm not hanging my head in shame - what good would that do - instead I'm getting 'back in the saddle again' and enjoying the ride.
It's time to post January projects for
The Charming Girls' Club.

1. I spent yesterday afternoon and evening working on two Valentine themed tabletoppers. One for me and one for the winner of my "Angel Lane" Gratitude & Generosity Challenge. Tomorrow I will quilt and bind them so one will be ready to go in the mail on Tuesday (winner will be announced Monday morning)

2. I saw "A Piece of Cake" pattern by
Thimble Blossoms (Camille Roskelley) a couple of months ago at one of our local quilt stores but I was in a hurry and didn't stop to purchase it. Well,
Sherri showed one on her blog recently and I HAD to make one, too. (BTW, you must visit Sherri's blog - she's showing two collages of projects she finished in 2009 - WOWZER). I placed an order with Camille and as soon as the pattern arrived I got busy. I've used a Cotton Blossoms Layer Cake (the darker version). As soon as my border fabrics arrive I'll finish it (quilted & bound).
(it's a terrible picture, sorry)

3. Using Simple Abundance by Moda I made more blocks and cut fabric for two more "Piece of Cake" quilts. Once border fabrics arrive I'll finish both. (quilted & bound). One is for a special friend and one is for my daughter.

4. I need to make two more quilts for two other very special friends. I'm not exactly sure which pattern or fabric I'll use so I've pulled three that caught my eye. I do plan to use the "Jelly Filled" pattern by
Thimble Blossoms for one of them. Need to decide on a pattern for the other.
5. A Year of Schnibbles
Sherri &
Sinta do such a wondeful job every month. I need to get caught up. I'm so far behind - I'm late - I feel like the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. If I make every project my name will get tossed in a hat for a drawing at the end. And, have you seen the fabulous prizes being given away every month -OMG - I need to get busy. :-) Now, I have no luck when it comes to winning but I need to try - I could be surprised. So, I need to make "Winter White "(pattern on order), "Cindy Lou Who" (need to decide on fabric), "Picnic" (need to decide on fabric), a few "Tuffets" (yes, you see a Tuffet in the picture but that's one that Carrie made for me - yes THE Carrie) and "Madeline"(pattern & fabric on order).
five Schnibble projects to make (quilted & bound) 
Twelve (12) projects to finish this month. Whew! Yes, those are big and grand plans but "I'm Back In The Saddle Again" so I feel certain I can do it. Wish me luck! LOL
Thank you so much for popping in to visit with me! Come again soon!
In Friendship!