A Note from Thimbles and JoyCan you see me (Thimbles) in the picture - that's me, the short fluffy one trying really hard to be discreet so Darlene doesn't know what we're doing. I told Joy that she needed to camouflage herself, too, but she didn't listen. She never listens to me. Sigh - another story for another day. ;-)
Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do so Joy and I are here to keep this blog interesting.
I'll bet Darlene hasn't told you what's been keeping her so busy. Bet she hasn't she told you that she's been helping the girls from Me & My Sister Designs get ready for Spring Market next month. And, Darlene is self-employed and suddenly business is booming and she's doing some stuff outside of our home, too. These are all good things but happening at the same time makes for a very busy Darlene.
She's not just busy, she's quite boring, too. LOL (don't you dare tell her I said that)
Last night I overheard Darlene saying to her DH (what does that mean, anyway???) that she was missing her regular blogging. I think she's addicted to this blogging thing - teehee! When she can find a few minutes to just sit, she's been doing some stitchery and making yo-yos. I think she's planning some sort of contest with those yo-yos - I strongly suggest that you keep checking back.
I hope you've enjoyed our report! We'll try to do this again soon. :-)
Naughty can be nice - Thimbles & Joy