Scrap Basket Sensations Blog Tour
Day Seven

It's my turn to talk to you about
Kim Brackett's new bestselling book,
Scrap Basket Sensations!
This means that leaving a comment on this post gives you an opportunity to win an autographed copy of Kim's book.
Do you remember this
post about Scrappy vs The Safe Zone? Well, these are the quilts I had just completed. LOL
I had the honor of making two quilts for Kim's book. I was happily in The Safe Zone when I made Summer Daze using a Snippets Jelly Roll.

I was in the Scrappy Zone (way out of my comfort zone) to make Tool Shed. I kept telling Kim I couldn't use scraps to make this quilt. She laughed but gently encouraged me. Not bad for an amateur scrap quilter. LOL

Initially I opted not to interview Kim for this post because what could I ask her that others hadn't already asked.
I finally did ask her what size shoe she wears?
She wears an 8 1/2 so I wondered if she used her empty shoe boxes to store her carefully organized scraps. LOL
Actually sometime in 2010 she shared on her blog that she cut most of her stash into 2 1/2" strips and stores them in plastic shoe boxes (not her empty card board shoe boxes)

Instead I asked the talented ladies on this Blog Tour the following:
Are you comfortable working with true scraps (fabrics from many different lines) or do you prefer to use a coordinated set of fabrics?*
Their answers:
Kim: "For the most part, I'm a scrap freak! For the Picnic quilt on the cover of the book, I used part of one Jelly Roll, part of another, and threw in some scraps just for the heck of it. "
Sherri: "I love working with true scraps...honestly, sometimes I just use pre-cuts because they save so much time!"
Mary: "For me I found I like to keep my civil war scraps separate from all the others...I guess same goes with Jo fabrics. I have a really hard time mixing batiks in with novelties! LOL I love working with the Moda pre-cuts for scrappy quilts even though they end up a coordinated scrappy look like Blessings from the Hollow quilt".
Stephanie: "The scrappier the better...mix them all up I say!"
Millie: "I do love scrappy quilts and these quilts all have their own personality."
Nicole: " I do sometimes work with true scraps, but I sure do spend a long time auditioning the ones that go best with each other!"
Sinta: "I prefer fabric groups myself. I have a whole lot of jelly rolls that I have collected, so it's an opportunity to use them."
Karen: "I say scraps. I'm trying to use a jelly roll for the tipsy baskets, and I'm having a hard time. I'd much rather use true scraps."
Sue: "For myself, I use either jelly-rolls or co-ordinated bundles. I really can't seem to make myself do truly scrappy!"
Carol: Carol was away on a quilting retreat when I asked my question but I know she loves working with scraps and coordinated fabric lines.
Me: We already know I prefer The Safe Zone - coordinated fabric lines. :-)
Some day I will organize all my scraps I have saved from every quilt I've made. Or not! LOL

The Safe Zone - Oasis and Breakfast at Tiffany's Jelly Rolls :-)
Leave a comment telling me whether you prefer The Scrappy Zone or The Safe Zone (coordinated fabric lines)I plan to draw a winner on Friday, February 18th*
then on to:
Karen at
Nana Girl Quilts - February 17th
Sue at
Quilt Times - February 18th
Carol at
Brown Quilts - February 19th
Good Luck!!!
By the way Kim would love to be retired so she can spend her days quilting but for now she must use her
size 8 1/2 foot to put
pedal to the medal on her
red Honda CRV to drive to work every day.
I wish I could show you a work in progress from this fabulous new book but there's still no sewing going on here! Soon, I hope! Don't fret - this too shall pass. :-)
In Friendship