My Fabric/Pattern Challenges
I spend way too much time trying to decide what project to work on next. I'll pull a fat quarter/fat eighth bundle, layer cake, jelly roll, or charm pack only to put it away after some gazing. When I pull it off the shelf or out of the drawer I have grand plans and then they just fizzle out because I simply can't decide what pattern I might want to use.
I decided it would be a good idea to pull fat quarter/fat eighth bundles and at least get them pressed and ready to cut. Looking at the fabric while I'm pressing is so different than looking at it as a little sliver when it's folded. My initial plan can change based on what I see when I'm pressing.

I set up my Big Board, spray starch and iron in my kitchen where I knew it would be much cooler. I planned to put the iron through a major work out.
Around my kitchen table you'll see lots of lovelies -
Ruby by Bonnie and Camille
Pam Kitty Morning by PKM
Clermont Farms by Minick and Simpson
Sweet Broderie by Rosalie Quinlan
Sew Cherry by Lori Holt
Vintage Modern by Bonnie and Camille
Let the cutting begin - it's time to set up my cutting board, ruler(s) and rotary cutter (with new blade).
Everything has come to a screeching halt. Sigh!
I buy patterns based on many reasons - often just the design however sometimes it's the fabric that attracts me.
Here's my challenge:
Is it a cop out to make the quilt the same way the designer made it?
Should I be looking at the pattern thinking I need to select different fabric(s)?
If you're a regular reader of my blog then you know that I do both however it still presents a challenge to me.
I'd love to know what you do.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you so please share your process.
I appreciate your visit - come again soon.
In Friendship!