Quilting and Such
It's been ten days since I've been on my own blog! Shame on me! Just haven't had anything to blog about. The quilting slump continues however I finally have some plans. And, I have to say that I'm really excited about these plans. I have decided that in 2007 I will concentrate on the following:
1. Quilt the pile of 97 quilt tops
2. Work on handapplique (I have a long list of projects & more to buy LOL)
3. Work on stitchery
4. Hopefully learn how to handquilt.
5. Piece only when the mood strikes and not fret if I don't sit at my machine
So, over the course of the next few days and weeks I'm going to organize and make a list of all the applique projects that I have. Find some stitchery projects that speak to me and then let the chips fall where they may. I'm really excited about my plans and believe that I will be content, as I love handwork.
The quilt in the picture was a birthday gift from two of my friends year before last. I believe it's Matchstick Marimba by Terry Atkinson Designs (just a little something quilty to share)
So stay tuned for updates on my future projects. LOL
Again, I want to say thank you for all the kind and encouraging words so many of you have left via a comment here on my blog or e-mail. I appreciate it very much!