TCB(taking care of business)I guess I've kept you waiting long enough however I do appreciate your patience. :-)
Pay It Forwards have been happening all over blogland for quite awhile now and I've participated in three! I've taken care of sending treats/treasures for the first one I signed up for. I decided to pick 6 fellow bloggers to receive a treat/treasure rather than open it up for sign ups on my blog. This prevents anyone from having to "pay it forward" and feel obligated. I hope all of that makes sense. LOL
Six baskets will go to:1.
May Britt - her blog inspires on a daily basis
Kathie - she is always there to share her vast and incredible knowledge of quilting
Swooze - just because :-)
Hanne - she has an inner spirit that shines through her blog
Caroline - her blog always takes my breath away
6. It could be yours!
Please send an e-mail with your mailing address!
Six baskets will go to:
Linda - thank you for keeping us on task during the pin cushion swap
Loz - thank you for Miss Millie and my adorable pin cushion
Karen B - thank you for sharing the basket template
Pat - thank you for the gift certificate from the Fat Quarter Shop just because I fell on the floor :-)
Cheryl - thank you for the adorable drawstring bag
Peg - thank you for inspiring so much fun with the 'Finish Five in July Challenge'
Please send an e-mail with your mailing address!
I wish I could send a fabric basket to everyone!
Cupcake Pincushions!!!
Look at these cute Cupcake Pincushions - don't you just love them? I made these a couple months ago but couldn't share till I sent my Cupcake Swap package. I got carried away and kept making them. LOL

Thank you stopping by - I appreciate that you do - come again!