Catching Up :-)(long winded this morning)
Look at these terrific Rocky Road to Kansas blocks I won and received from
Elaine. I purposely flipped one over so you could see that she used telephone book pages as a foundation. Great idea! If you visit her blog you'll see that her quilt top is done and she's beautifully handquilting it.
Elaine, thank you so much for sending these to me - I love them and very soon I will use them to make a quilt.

Connie presented me with this "You Make Me Smile Award" - thank you so much Connie.
I absolutely adore Connie and would love to get to know her better! She's truly a kind soul.
I'm suppose to nominate someone but I've decided to nominate anyone that reads my blog!
keep reading.................................... LOL
And, last but not least,
May Britt tagged me for the 4 Things About Me-Me!
4 jobs I've had
String Maker
Key Punch Operator
Director of Human Resources
4 films I could watch over and over:
Dirty Dancing (love the music)
An American President
You've Got Mail
Pretty Woman
4 TV shows I watch
Criminal Minds
Law & Order (all of them)
CSI - New York
Cold Case
4 Places I've lived
4 Favorite foods
4 Favorite colors
4 Places I would love to be right now
I'm a homebody so I'd love to just be home doing anything I want and be stressfree
4 Names I love but would/could not use on my children
Brian (never had a boy)
Rolf (DH's middle name I would have used if I'd had a boy)
Shelby (wanted another girl)
Darlene (my name I should have used for my one and only DD)
4 People I'd love to Tag
Yes, I still have more to say - LOL! I'm a bit chatty this morning! teehee! Aw come on keep reading!!!
When I first started blogging I used to respond to every comment left on my blog and in the last couple of months I've been very remiss in doing that. So, now a question for you my readers and commentors of my blog. When you leave a comment on a blog do you expect a response to your comment? Please be honest because my guilt is really getting the best of me! :-)
And, last but not least thank you for popping by to read about the happenings in my world. I appreciate it so much!
In Friendship!