I’ve practically been stalking my postman! Why? Well, Nadine – Friendship Threads sent a package on December 11 and it had not arrived. Needless to say, we were starting to worry. Poor Nadine was beside herself and my DH was chatting with the postman on a daily basis. Where’s the box? Well, the box finally has arrived and my goodness it was worth the wait. What a delightful package with so many wonderful goodies! A beautiful needle book, a small zippered bag for my handwork necessities, a beautiful red scarf (oh no I forgot to include it in the picture) and Nadine’s adorable first stitchery project. Wait, I almost forgot the wonderful box of chocolates for my DH and I - YUMMY!!!!! I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying Nadine’s friendship and I hope that we will be long distance friends for many, many years!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
I’ve practically been stalking my postman! Why? Well, Nadine – Friendship Threads sent a package on December 11 and it had not arrived. Needless to say, we were starting to worry. Poor Nadine was beside herself and my DH was chatting with the postman on a daily basis. Where’s the box? Well, the box finally has arrived and my goodness it was worth the wait. What a delightful package with so many wonderful goodies! A beautiful needle book, a small zippered bag for my handwork necessities, a beautiful red scarf (oh no I forgot to include it in the picture) and Nadine’s adorable first stitchery project. Wait, I almost forgot the wonderful box of chocolates for my DH and I - YUMMY!!!!! I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying Nadine’s friendship and I hope that we will be long distance friends for many, many years!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sluggish Days
I'm finally starting to feel a bit human - this nasty cold has just hung on a bit too long. Haven't felt like doing much - sleeping, watching TV and a bit of handapplique. I've been visiting blogs but sadly have not left many comments. I have a long list of e-mails to respond to and will get to those today. If I owe you a response please bear with me :-) I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that your days have been full of comfort and joy. We had a very nice Christmas Eve with my daughter and her family - it's so much fun to watch the faces of my grandsons, Seth and Eli, as they tear into their packages. Of course, I had fun tearing into mine, too. My wonderful daughter gave us a four Fiestaware placesettings, and a set of adorable salt and pepper shakers to match; my SIL gave me a "touch can-opener" (he and I have a thing about can openers LOL) and my wonderful DH gave me a Tutto bag to use to take my sewing machine when I go sewing with my friends. We had a wonderful prime rib dinner with friends on Christmas Day. All in all great days! And, since then I've truly been a SLUG! I had prepped quite a bit of "Celebrate January" by Lori Smith and you see the results of my hand applique in the picture! And, I've been contemplating my quilty plans for 2007 - trying to settle on realistic goals and projects.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I'm so frustrated this morning! Sigh! If you've left a comment on my blog and I haven't responded, it's because it's coming to me as "anonymous"- I'm sorry! And, now this morning I've found that if you've switched to the BETA (aka TEST) version of blogger then I can't leave a comment on your blog. I'm a bit concerned about switching to that version cuz I keep reading pros and cons. So, please know that I do read most and all blogs on both rings I belong to however I can't always leave a comment!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Projects, Projects, Projects!
I'm making a list and checking it twice. Gonna find out who's naughty....wait, wait, wait...wrong list!
Actually I'm working on my list(s) of projects for 2007. Last night I went to sew with my friends, like we do a couple of times a month, and came away feeling very, very uninspired. And, we were sewing at one of the local quilt stores. Sigh!!!! As you well know I have not done much sewing in a couple of months - just don't have the urge. This is incredibly strange for me but rather than fight it I'm just hoping it'll pass soon. I did decide a couple of weeks ago that in 2007 I'd like to work on hand projects i.e. hand applique, stitchery, etc.
Nadine and I have been commiserating about future projects. She has been inspired by May Britt to work on "Applique Delights" by Faye Anderson; so she has challenged me to work on it with them. The challenge is to make one block a week in 2007 and by this time next year we will hopefully have all the blocks completed. I believe that May Britt has 11 blocks done and Nadine already has one done. I got my book last week and have been thinking about my color scheme and I believe I have finally decided. So, I need to start getting prepared so I can meet this challenge. LOL Actually I'm very excited about working on this project with Nadine and May Britt - should be lot of fun!
Next on the long list! I've been collecting "A Quilt of the Month Series" by Lori Smith - there's a project for every month (Celebrate January is pictured). These monthly projects are 28" by 36" and are really calling my name. It's time to prep Celebrate January and get busy - can I keep this monthly project going throughout 2007?? We'll see. LOL
I've been collecting applique patterns and projects for a couple of years and if you read my blog you know that I started doing hand applique with a vengence last June and then came to a "dead stop". It's time to pull out all those projects and start the prepping.
I've got to get back to Country Cousins Meets Baltimore Album and I have the following on the list, too:
Snowman Country by Bunny Hill Designs(Anne Sutton); Rabbits Prefer Chocolate by Bunny Hill Designs (Anne Sutton); Vintage Valentine by The Vintage Spool (Verna Mosquera). And, others that I need to go revisit and think about pulling out to work on. Sigh!
It's time to get busy and stop fretting about no desire to piece on my sewing machine and enjoy a ton of handwork!!! Wouldn't you agree??????? :-)
"The Civil War Diary Quilt"
One of the girls I sew with gave me a gift certificate for my birthday in July and I used it to buy this cute book. I love the small blocks but I have been especially enjoying the stories. It's just a sweet book to have in my library of quilt books and such. Someday I might be inspired to work on the blocks.
Now it's time to get busy. I hope to have something to show at the end of this day. Wish me luck!
Edit: Susan says that I say I'm uninspired and yet I've listed a plethora of projects. My first love in quilting is to sit and piece for hours at my machine - my friends refer to me as a "power piecer" - however in recent months I've had very little inspiration for machine piecing. I have always enjoyed hand work so, even though I have not felt like doing that either I've decided to push myself to at least work on hand projects rather than push myself to work on my machine. I hope this makes better sense!
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Quilting and Such
It's been ten days since I've been on my own blog! Shame on me! Just haven't had anything to blog about. The quilting slump continues however I finally have some plans. And, I have to say that I'm really excited about these plans. I have decided that in 2007 I will concentrate on the following:
1. Quilt the pile of 97 quilt tops
2. Work on handapplique (I have a long list of projects & more to buy LOL)
3. Work on stitchery
4. Hopefully learn how to handquilt.
5. Piece only when the mood strikes and not fret if I don't sit at my machine
So, over the course of the next few days and weeks I'm going to organize and make a list of all the applique projects that I have. Find some stitchery projects that speak to me and then let the chips fall where they may. I'm really excited about my plans and believe that I will be content, as I love handwork.
The quilt in the picture was a birthday gift from two of my friends year before last. I believe it's Matchstick Marimba by Terry Atkinson Designs (just a little something quilty to share)
So stay tuned for updates on my future projects. LOL
Again, I want to say thank you for all the kind and encouraging words so many of you have left via a comment here on my blog or e-mail. I appreciate it very much!
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Guardian (Guarding) Angel from an Angel
Do you enjoy surprises? I love them, so you can imagine my surprise when I received this absolutely adorable Guardian (Guarding) Angel from an Angel in Belgium (Nadine). The adorable angel was accompanied by a beautiful card and cute piece of fabric. Nadine and I have been exchanging e-mails on a fairly regularly basis establishing a warm and wonderful friendship. Just goes to show that distance does not matter when it comes to good friends! Last week Nadine asked me for my address, saying she had a little surprise for me. I couldn't refuse because she provided hers when I asked for it awhile back. And, by the way I haven't been feeling very well the past couple of days (dealing with a mild cold) so this came at the right time.
Nadine, thank you, thank you so much for the wonderful surprise gift. I will find a special spot in my sewing room to hang my Angel and cherish her for many, many years.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More 9 Patches
I was playing the other night and came up with an idea for another "fly by the seat of my pants" 9 patch quilt. I've only done these two blocks so bear with me and I'll share more soon!
The sweet 30's 9 patch quilt is done to the flimsy stage. WooHoo! I ran by a nearby quilt store yesterday afternoon and found some adorable backing fabric. Soon it'll be quilted and, hopefully, enjoyed by my friend. I'm especially hoping that my friend will be surprised. Bear in mind that she's admired my quilts but never asked me for a quilt. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. LOL
The quilting slump is not completely gone but I'm trying really hard to push through it. Obviously I'm not spending much time at my sewing machine but a little is better than none. :-) Thank you all for your wonderful comments and encouragement.
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Borders and More
I've been stumped for the past few days with border decisions on the nine patch quilt I've been working on for my friend. Last night I went to sew with some friends at a local quilt store and it was the perfect opportunity to look for "the" border fabric(s). I love what I found and will hopefully finish it later today. My friend has no idea that this quilt is for her - she's never asked me to make a quilt for her so I'm really excited about finishing it and giving it to her. I hope that she loves it as much as I do :-)
While my quilting slump is not completely gone, this sweet quilt has helped me at least get my quilting motor revved up again. It's just sputtering for now but at least it's started. LOL I've been contemplating my next project because I'm afraid if I don't have a "plan" the slump will return. Ugh! Should I prep applique? Should I cut a new project? Should I quilt one of the tops in the pile? Those are all questions bouncing around in my head. LOL
Veteran's Day
On this Veteran's Day 2006, please take a few minutes to say a prayer for our soldiers away fighting a war and a prayer for those that have served our country so proudly. I'm proud to say that my hubby served our country for 25 years.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

On Point
Those 9 patches have been sitting in my sewing room calling my name! After contemplating a setting - "on point" or "straight" - "on-point" won! I need to say thank you to those that helped me make that decision :-) So....here's the upper left hand corner of the quilt. As I'm assembling my rows, etc I'm also contemplating the borders. Not sure what I'm going to do but I do have a few ideas rolling around in my head. I'm really hoping that my friend loves this quilt as much as I do.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

76 Nine Patches - DONE!
I did a little more sewing during the week end and got all 76 nine patches finished. I've been contemplating a setting and I think I finally have a plan. I can't say much because the recipient reads my blog. (don't want to ruin the surprise) So, as the week progresses I'm planning to assemble these cuties into, hopefully, a sweet quilt. I'm not sewing ALOT but at least I'm doing a bit - babysteps - LOL
Thought for today: Worry can be paralyzing (why do we allow ourselves to let worry consume us?)
Friday, November 03, 2006

Sewing a Bit :-)
Last night I was digging for something not quilting related and I came across a ziplock bag with 19 different 2" 30's strips. Goodness only knows what they were going to be and at this point it doesn't matter! LOL I had a BIG lightbulb moment - these would make really cute 9 patches. All I had to do was find some white yardage - cut a handful of strips and get busy. I can get four 9 patches from each strip so when I finish I'll have 76 9 patches. I don't have a plan but this was something I didn't have to think about - I could just sew. I managed to sew for a bit last night and it sure felt good - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Now, I'm hoping that I'll be in the mood again later today. I'm wanting to made a surprise quilt for a friend so this might fit the bill. Something to think about.
Thought for today: "I get by with a little help from my friends" The Beatles
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Something Quilty
This is my Country Cousins block #3 that I finished while on my retreat in early October. I'm hoping that if I blog about it that I might be motivated to work on another block. Or at least motivated to work on something that involves fiber! ;-)
Thought for today: "Friends are the sunshine of life"
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
My spirit is full of joy and my heart is definitely grateful because I have received so many wonderful comments, compliments, suggestions, etc to my quilting slump and "insult". I appreciate your encouraging and kind words - thank you my friends! I hope to return to my regular scheduled quilting soon but for now I truly have no interest or desire. I have to admit that Judy's Hour A Day project has me very intrigued. When I saw Jeanne's quilt I fell in love with it so it might be "the" project that jump starts my desire to quilt. We'll see!
In the meantime I will be visiting blogs and living vicariously through all of you. :-)
I loved this idea from Shelina's blog and want to play along... The things in bold are what I've done. Play along if you dare!
Have You Ever?
1. Taken a quilting class
2. Paper pieced
3. Hand quilted
4. Hand pieced
5. Created your own pattern
6. Published a pattern in a magazine or book
7. Gone on a quilting retreat
8. Gone to a quilting convention
9. Met someone who wrote a quilting book
10 combined your quilting with some other craft
11. Done any three dimensional quilting - like fabric origami
12. Made something using Thimbleberries fabric
13. Made something using batiks
14. Dyed your own fabric
15. Made a landscape hanging
16. Made a New York Beauty quilt
17. Made a baby quilt
18. Made a wall hanging
19. Made a journal quilt
20. Submitted your journal quilt for viewing
21. Made a fabric postcard
22. Made a artistic trading card (ATC)
23. Exchanged artistic trading cards
24. Mailed your own postcard
25. Made a lap quilt
26. Made a twin size quilt
27. Made a full size quilt
28. Made a queen size quilt
29. Made a king size quilt
30. Donated a quilt to charity
31. Sent a quilt out to a quilter
32. Thrown away a UFO
33. Given away a UFO
34. Cut up a UFO and made something else with it
35. Ripped fabric instead of cutting it
36. Made a quilt exactly like the pattern, with no changes whatsoever
37. Done any Sashiko
38. Quilted your own quilt
39. Did free motion quilting
40. Put any embroidery or beads on your quilt
41. Given away your quilt to a stranger
42. Swapped fabric
43. swapped blocks
44. participated in a round robin
45. Participated in an ostrich round robin
46. kept a journal about your quilting
47. Written a letter to someone who made an antique quilt
48. kept a blog about your quilting
49. participated in a gift exchange
51 sent a quilting random act of kindness
52 joined a newsgroup about quilting
53 made a quilt using a pattern from quilterscache
54 joined an online block of the month
55 made a block of the month quilt
56 subscribed to a fabric of the month club
57 bought fabric at an online store
58 bought fabric from ebay
59 own more than one sewing machine
60 have a room dedicated solely to sewing
61 hide a fabric purchase
62 finished making a holiday gift before July
63 spent more than $200 in one quilt shopping trip
64 made a quilt using a book from the library
65 worked with someone else to make a quilt
66. Joined a quilt guild
67 become president of a quilt guild
68 taught a quilting class
69 helped someone else get the quilting bug
70 taught a child to sew
71 made a Dear Jane block
72 Made a miniature quilt
73 watch QNN - quilters news network
73 subscribe to a quilting magazine from your own country
74 subscribe to a quilting magazine from another country
75 buy fabric from another country
76 swapped completed quilts with someone else
77 asked for quilting help online
78 gone to a quilt shop to ask for quilting help
79 bought fabric at a local quilt shop
80 traveled more than 100 miles to go to a quilt shop
81 used nontraditional fabric for a quilt - something other than cotton or flannel
82 made a quilt using instructions given to you on a blog
83 make comments on someone's quilting blog
84 meet a quilter in person after only having talked online
85 had a quilting retreat in your home
86 own quilting software
87 made a quilt you designed on your quilting software
88 done any quilt research - history, interviewing quilters, etc.
89 had any quilt related subject published anywhere
90 donated a quilt to a museum
91 bought a quilt from a thrift store
92 made a quilt using fabric from a thrift store
93 made a quilt using photos
94 made a pastel quilt
95 made a quilt using brights
96 made a quilt using ethnic fabric from another country - African, Asian, etc.
97 made a quilt using leftover blocks from other quilts
98 had your quilt in a magazine, newspaper, newsletter, TV, etc.
99. Submitted your quilt to a quilt show
100. Won any ribbons with your quilts
101 had more finished quilts than UFOs
102 made a quilt using reproduction fabrics
103 took a break from quilting that was longer than a year
104 made money with your quilting
105 had a job in the fabric / quilting industry
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Since I'm not doing anything quilty I thought I'd share picture Miss Froggy. Isn't she (of course it could be a he) cute! My friends, Barb and Mary, of Me and My Sister Designs made this little cutie for me. The fabric is their new Moda line they're introducing at the Houston Market right now called Spring Fling. I had to take a picture of his belly cuz I love the way they used a button in the center of one of large flowers and buttons on his toes. :-)
The quilting slump continues and now it's getting serious! I have not done anything

I read so many inspirational blogs where “you” have taken your scraps and made some adorable quilts. I can’t seem to do that! Let me tell you about my Rubbermaid bins that are full of my “scraps”. When I have finished a quilt I take the leftovers i.e. scraps and put them into a ziplock bag then toss the bag into a Rubbermaid bin – when the bin is full I buy another bin and continue this process. You should see the stack of bins that are full of scraps – great scraps, too. LOL I’ve had friends and acquaintances beg me for my bins (well, NO, they might make a really cute quilt – LOL) They have even promised to make a cute scrappy quilt for me if I’ll just surrender these bins. UMMMMM – NO! So, there they sit and I know I could probably make some wonderful quilts – just not sure of myself to do that. Many, many months ago I sent an e-mail to Bonnie and asked her for suggestions for my scrap bins – she was stumped! LOL I chatted via e-mail with Patti and she had some great suggestions but that was a few months ago and we were suppose to get back to it and didn’t. SIGH!!!!
So, here I sit STUMPED about my quilting style. In an e-mail from Bernina and Alex Anderson she said the following: (this is just an excerpt from the e-mail) “One day, while sharing my work with Diana Mc Clunn, she asked if I would be willing to allow my quilt to be published in her and Laura Nownes first book Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!! I couldn't believe it! The quilt was a classic saw tooth star out of solid fabrics. How could any quilt so traditional and simple in nature be worthy of publication? It was a lightening bolt moment (we have all had them), and I realized it was not only OK but important to pursue the style of quilt making that feeds your soul.
Webster defines quilting as : 1. The process of quilting. 2. material that is quilted or used for making quilts. Sounds like all's fair with that definition.
I define a quilts as: Three layers of fiber, typically, but not necessarily, cotton on both sides filled with batting, held in place with stitches.
All quilts are created for their own purpose and reasons, each unique to itself. The quilt might be for a child to snuggle under or purely for decorative reasons. Perhaps the quilt has no specific intent or purpose other than to celebrate your latest fabric acquisition. The quilt might be created as the result or to endure an experience. Quilts are made to give in love and receive with honor. Quilts delight and feed our spirits. Quilts bond and bind us as a community that has no gender or age limitations. Through quilting we help define who we are.”
I’ve saved this e-mail and find myself reading it over and over trying to help myself with my dilemma and slump and yet there I sit.
Now that I’ve rambled and rambled I’m going to attempt to spend the rest of the day in my sewing room and “play”. We’ll see if it works!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
While visiting Bonnie's blog I came across this and thought it would be fun. Consider yourself tagged.
1. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
2. Swam with dolphins
3. Climbed a mountain
4. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
5. Been inside the Great Pyramid
6. Held a tarantula
7. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
8. Said "I love you" and meant it
9. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby's diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. Had a food fight
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was shit faced
42. Had amazing friends
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your CDs
57. Pretended to be a superhero
58. Sung karaoke
59. Lounged around in bed all day
60. Posed nude in front of strangers
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an expert
83. Got flowers for no reason
84. Performed on stage
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music
87. Eaten shark
88. Eaten fugu (pufferfish)
89. Had a one-night stand
90. Gone to Thailand
91. Bought a house
92. Been in a combat zone
93. Buried one/both of your parents
94. Been on a cruise ship
95. Spoken more than one language fluently
96. Performed in Rocky Horror Picture Show
97. Raised children
98. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Petted a stingray
110. Broken someone's heart
111. Ridden a bike
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper
129. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Petted a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes
134. Read The Iliad and The Odyssey
135. Selected one important author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146. Dyed your hair
147. Been a DJ
148. Shaved your head
149. Caused a car accident
150. Saved someone's life

Just Stuff
See my new toy! Yep, it's my new bike - very similar to one I had when I was a young girl. One speed - ME. LOL I live in a gated retirement community with very little traffic and I'd been thinking that it would be fun to have a bike to "just ride". So, yesterday afternoon my sweetie took me to lunch and then to Wal-Mart to look at bikes. We came home with this pretty and I can't begin to tell you how much fun I had yesterday afternoon riding it. Oh, my goodness I felt like a little girl with the breeze in my face and my hair blowing. I'm so excited to have this new beauty. I'm a little sore today however I'm ready to get back on it later today! :-)
Quilting Update
There has been no sewing happening in this house! Serious slump however I feel that it might be lifting as I've have felt the urge to sew today. So, after I finish playing here, I might take a look around my sewing room and see what kind of trouble I can get into. Wish me luck!
Internet Woes
It appears that our internet woes may be a thing of the past - finally! Whew! I've been able to stay on-line longer than 10 minutes. I've been able to peek in some of favorite blogs but been leery of leaving a comment for fear that I'd get kicked out in the middle of my comment. I think I can get back to normal now. LOL The dreaded red X is still around but in some cases I can click on the X and see the picture. I hope that goes away soon, too. Not sure what's causing that problem. Ugh!
Quiet Sundays; a sweet hubby that spoils me; my new bike; and fabric that waits for me.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
We've been experiencing woes with our local internet provider - something about new modems and then an overheating power supply. Oh, please just fix it already. I've been in the middle of doing something and then suddenly "I'm outta here" - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr My DH has been on-line for quite awhile this morning so I've decided that I would try to get some e-mail answered and post an update here.
I've been visiting quite a few blogs when I can and have been met with the dreaded RED X in so many pictures that have been posted. I don't know why but it's frustrating. Somewhere I've lost a "cookie or two" so I can't see what you've all been up to. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR So, if I don't leave a comment know that it's because I can't see what you've done. I'm sorry!
On the quilting front I have nothing new to show. I did finally finish block #3 of my Country Cousins BOM but I've gotten so far behind now - received blocks 7 & 8 yesterday and I have 4, 5 & 6 in the wings. I told myself that I would keep up with this project and I've been incredibly remiss. SIGH! I haven't even touched my sewing machine since I returned from my retreat over a week ago. Another BIG SIGH!!!! So, I guess it's back to my regularly scheduled sewing/quilting slump. :-(
Thought for today: Seize the day!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I got back Sunday evening from my sewing retreat in the mountains. Very tired (it's a long drive) but with three completed projects. WooHoo!
I put borders on the quilt I made recently with 6 1/2" Chelsea Lane squares - don't have a picture but trust me when I say it's super cute. :-) Apparently I left some of the blocks from my Vintage Patches quilt top when we were there in August. I'd forgotten about that project but realized my faux pas when I was confirming our reservations etc. So, I found the other blocks, still packed and finished it, too. And, last but not least I completed the "guts" of the quilt top with my mystery half square triangles. It's the Pretty Maids pattern by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co and I've decided to do the outer border in one of the matching florals rather than what she suggests in the pattern. So, I need to shop for the border, backing and binding fabrics and finish it soon for my daughter, Kristie. It's perfect for her home and she fell in love with it when she saw the pieces parts in my sewing room. Additionally, I managed to prep one of my Country Cousins blocks so I'm ready to get back to my applique projects.
All in all it was a great week end - perfect sewing weather for me - we had rain all night Thursday and all day Friday - I crave rain. LOL
I haven't had much time to spend on the computer since I got home however I'm hoping to get to all the blogs and catch up on everyone's doings.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
It's been a super busy week and I won't bore you with the details. Thankfully everything on my "to do" list has been done. I'm leaving later today for my sewing in the mountains week end and I can do it with a happy heart. I'll be back on Sunday afternoon and hopefully early next week I'll have some show and tell pictures to share. Especially pictures of my half square triangle teaser project :-)
See you next week!
Saturday, September 30, 2006

LOOK - I'm Sewing!
I just sat down to start assembling those bazillion half square triangles I made almost two weeks ago. Not sure how long this will last but I'll enjoy it for as long as it does. LOL
Thanks for words of encouragement - it's so nice to know that I'm not alone in this funk and that others have experienced this, too.
OK, 'nuf said - back to the machine before the moment passes. :-)
Friday, September 29, 2006
What? When you're in a funk and you accomplish absolutely nothing. My sewing machine has been sitting idle for almost two weeks. What's wrong? Oh, who knows! Just not in the mood to sew - well I am in the mood but just can get motivated. grrrrr I've been visiting lots and lots of Blogs and cheering everyone else on but can't seem to cheer myself on. BIG SIGH! :-)
Next week end we head to the mountains to sew for three days again. I need to make the most of it because we don't go again till sometime next year. Hopefully between now and then I'll get inspired to at least prepare a couple of projects. My cute little teaser half square triangles are sitting in the basket calling my name but...
Another BIG Sigh! :-)
OK, I'm done feeling sorry for myself - thank you for listening! This too shall pass!
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Pincushions, Quilt Tops & More
I've had a blast reading all the wonderful comments about my enormous pile of quilt tops. I'm sorry I'm just getting back here to post but it's been a strange week. Thursday I was feeling "out of sorts" - nothing felt right so it was best to just lay low. Yesterday was a full day and it just got away from me. So here I am today to say thank you - I'm hoping to respond to all your comments but please give me a little time. Some had some questions that I'd like to answer so just bear with me.
Evelyn posted pictures of her adorable pincushions and asked about ours. I've seen some great pics of some cute pincushions. Two pictures of my pincushions - the one on the left is of pincushions with a tale. I bought the red one in 1977 when I was garment sewing and doing a lot of Stretch and Sew type stuff and used it till it just wouldn't hold another pin (I keep it for posterity!), the other wrist pin cushion I bought to replace the red one but while at a retreat or in a class someone made fun of it (was I still in 8th grade home ec?) so I quit using it. The one on the extreme right is just a cute one I used for a couple of years - love the tart tin and the one in the center is my newest acquisition and the one I use every day. I bought it in the Country Threads booth at the Chicago Quilt Festival in April. I love it but it's a little "baggy"; not packed very tight! (goodness, does that make sense). And, I have a ton of different tins i.e. mini Chocolate Sampler, Altoids (every size and shape) that I keep pins in, also. The picture on the right some have seen before - it's Gladys and the Peeps (as my DH lovingly calls them). Just gifts from two friends and they just sit on a shelf in my sewing room.
Gratitudes: An afternoon nap and no demands on the day
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Final Score - 46 to 48
I can't believe that I'm here telling the world about this!
You'll either laugh, gasp, roll your eyes or call me stupid - wait maybe all of the above! :-)
I should not be allowed to buy another piece of fabric ever. Actually, I probably shouldn't be allow to get near my sewing machine. This is ludicrous but remember I've always described myself as a PROCESSOR! I love "to do".
So what are you looking at? The picture on the left is two piles containing 46 quilt tops with their backings and the picture on the right is one very large pile of 48 quilt tops without backings. Yep, you got it, that's 94 quilt tops that need to be quilted.
If you decide to leave a comment please be kind ;-)

More Progress (another little teaser!) teehee
Last night I finished sewing the bazillion half square triangles and got all the paper torn off. I pressed a handful just to post a little teaser this morning. I really enjoy doing this - it's my evil side. LOL
I've got my handful of half square triangles on one of my favorite tools - an Olfa Rotating Mat. This mat was a Godsend last night when I was cutting my triangles apart - slash/spin/slash/spin, etc. High recommended!
I've been playing a bit too much so now it's time to get to work - it's starting to pile up so I must get busy.
Thought for today: "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity" Dorothy Parker
Gratitudes: Early morning quiet (a favorite time); a cup of fresh coffee
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm Sewing! :-)
I'm a Happy Girl - I'm sewing! WooHoo! This is just a little teaser! Like so many of you I like to post little teaser pictures of my current project. :-)
You see I'm all set to work on a bazillion half square triangles (OK, only 288) but that's bunch. I've got my Triangles on a Roll squares pinned to paired lights and darks. I'm ready to start sewing.
I did get some sewing in on Sunday evening but it was a quick and easy project. While digging for a project I found four packages of 6 1/2" squares of Chealsea Lane by P & B Fabrics. I sewed them in rows of 10 squares across and 12 rows - need to find inner and outer border fabrics and it'll be done. It's a bit boring, although pretty, so I won't bother to post a picture. It's just going to be a basic throw and will look pretty on the back of a chair and such. Sometimes boring projects like that will motivate me to sew more.
Thought for today: "It's a happy talent to know how to play" Emerson
Gratitudes: A new project (well an old one I found deep in the cupboard); Triangles on a Roll; my supportive DH; and time to "play"
And, now I'm off to make tacos.
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Nada, Nil, Zilch, Zero, None, etc.
That's how much sewing I've done this week - the big goose egg. I have BIG plans everyday to get to busy but nothing happens. This is what happens to me after I finish a project - I have to start thinking about the "next" project and the prep (picking out the pattern, searching through fabric, pressing and cutting - UGH) and I shut right down. If someone would just prep all my projects and line them up for me I'd be a happy camper just sewing away. LOL So, do I have any volunteers?????? ;-)
So, what's the next best thing to no sewing??? Well, shopping of course. tee hee Yesterday my DH and I were going to go shopping for a new TV (decided we needed a larger screen) but he took me over to our largest quilt store first (what a guy!) - QuiltZ and I had a blast. I needed background type fabrics for a couple of possible projects and I found Another Can of Worms and the cute package in the foreground is a bunch of repro type hankies from Moda that I'd been searching for.
I've had a strange computer week - I've been reading my favorite blogs on a regular basis and leaving comments where I felt I wanted to but I've been remiss in responding to everyone's nice comments on my blog. I like to say thank you and chat with everyone a bit but ...
So, this should tell you that it's been a weird week for me and I don't like it. No OOMPH to do anything. BUT, I have been working on my Hexagon Flowers while I watch baseball at night so I guess it hasn't been a complete bust. BIG SIGH!
Thought for today: Sigh!
Gratitudes: Chinese for lunch yesterday (it's so yummy)
Fresh coffee this morning
Cooler morning (still too hot during the day)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

3" Nine Patches
My 3" nine patch cuties have a home! I finished piecing the quilt top late this afternoon and it feels good to have another one done. Actually it feels good to have another fat quarter bundle/tower out of the cupboard and into a quilt. :-) That makes me extremely happy! LOL This is was a quick and fun pattern from Moda University.
Thanks to Evelyn I've been doing quite a bit of thinking about my pile of quilt tops that are waiting to be quilted. I've been trying to decide whether or not my quilt tops are UFO's and everyone has been kind and told me that they're my quilt tops so I can call them whatever I want. LOL I appreciate that very much. However, Evelyn left a comment regarding her definition of UFO's and the following profound statement really touched my heart. Evelyn said " You can't USE a top, even if the top is technically done. I don't want my "tops" to end up in a yard sale some day - BUT finished QUILTS are cherished for years!!!" Evelyn, you are absolutely right - you can't use a quilt top and while I don't necessarily make heirlooms I do want to leave my quilting legacy to my daughter. (although she and my DH tease me that if I go first they are going to set up on a corner and hang my quilts on a clothesline and sell them - LOL) So, I've decided that over the next couple of days I'm going to organize all my quilt tops with backings and such and prepare to quilt them. Evelyn, thank you very much!
Sunday, September 10, 2006

3" Nine Patches!?!?!?!?! And, More!
Remember my 3" nine patches? Here's one of the blocks with the cutie in the center. I finished the blocks on Friday and they sit waiting. It should be finished but I need to lay them out on the floor and I've been too lazy to do it. Yes, I need a design wall so that I don't have to crawl all over the floor! Note to self - figure out where to put a design wall.
What's a UFO???? Thanks so much for posting your opinions and definitions. This question came up because last week my DH was with me at one of our local quilt stores and the owner was telling one her employees about me and how much I sew. They asked me how many UFOs I had and I said, "none". My DH started laughing and I realized that his definition and mine were not the same. A UFO to me is a project that's been started but has been set aside. The fabric has been cut and I've started sewing. I try very hard not to do that - yes, I prefer to work on one project at a time and it makes me crazy when I hop from project to project. Now, I have a ton of PIGS (projects in grocery sacks, as Patti calls them) but I don't think of those as UFOs. Speaking of Patti - she provided "food for thought" - I have a large (read very large) pile of quilt tops and never thought of those as UFOs. Now, I have to decide whether or not those are UFOs in my mind or just quilt tops. LOL Nancy says they are just quilt tops. HMMMM - something to ponder. I'm truly a "processor" so I'm sure that I will always have a lot of quilt tops waiting to be quilted so I'm not sure I want to call them UFOs - LOL. This is definitely something to ponder! :-) Again, thank you for sharing your opinions and definitions.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRR - need to vent!!!! I realized yesterday that I'm too addicted to this computer. Way to addicted. Why? Our cable company was experiencing an outage and I couldn't do anything on the computer until last night. My world was tilted on its axis - crazy I know! LOL My DH looked at me later in the evening and said "we're back up" and I felt such a sense of relief when I was able to log on. I really need a life!
Friday, September 08, 2006
As I'm sewing and enjoying my new project with the cute 3" nine patches I was thinking about UFO's.
What's your definition of a UFO????
1. A UFO is a project that's been started and is still waiting to be completed.
2. A UFO is a project that's waiting in the "wings" (drawers/closets/bins/baskets, etc) to be started.
3. Other - please explain.
I'd love to hear what you think a UFO is. Feel free to either leave a comment with your definition or post in your own blog.
I'm feeling pretty chatty today so don't be surprised if I post again today. ;-)
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Little 9 Patches
I'm heading to bed with a smile on my face and a song in my heart! A new project! WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My new project has this cuties - 50 three inch nine patches. Aren't they sweet?
I've done a few blocks that these cuties fit into, so hopefully tomorrow I can show all the finished blocks.
Gratitudes: Moda fat quarter bundles
Fun quilt patterns
Green grapes
Monday, September 04, 2006

A Quilt One Day?
I can't stop making these. No, I'm definitely not complaining, as they really are as addicting as Libby told me they would. :-) I really do need to get back to my hand applique - oh those projects are piling up. Actually, I just have a handful of leaves to do on my Country Cousins BOM block #3 but I need to prep all of block #4. It's September and blocks #5 & 6 will be here very, very soon. When I started this BOM I told myself that I would try to stay "on-task" so I'd better get busy.
Thought for today: Keep the promises you make to yourself and others.
Gratitudes: A sluggish day, a lazy day, a quiet day, etc.
Saturday, September 02, 2006

My Nerve Center
Susan asked what we sew on; so here's a picture of my new "baby". My DH bought this new machine for me in April and it's a Janome Memory Craft 6600. When Janome introduced their 6500 a few years ago I really wanted one but thought it would be silly to buy a new machine. Then they introduced this one and I really was coveting it. I kept teasing my DH that I was going to buy it and he'd just say "go for it". Well, in April I attended the Chicago Quilt Festival and had an opportunity to really play with it and I came home really excited about it. A week later I was the proud owner. :-) I can't tell you how much I enjoy sewing on this machine - it's smooth and quiet - the deeper harp is really nice and roomy. Is this the only machine I own - oh no! In fact, Lisa says that I own a "fleet" of sewing machines - LOL.
Bernina 150 Quilter's Edition
Bernette 90e
Janome Jem Gold
Singer Featherweight (Centennial Edition)
Bernina Deco 650 embroidery machine
Yes, I'm spoiled rotten - right down to the core!
Thought for today: I am not the first woman who has turned to handwork for salvation. What is it about exacting needlework that stitches and sews us back together again? (MaryJane Butters)
Gratitudes: My corner of the world - it's my happy place!
Friday, September 01, 2006

Just Sewing!
Sometimes I don't want to think; I just want to sew. It's so relaxing to watch fabric moving along and the needle doing it's thing. So, I pulled this project; cut the strips and started sewing. Oh, I was having a blast - no thinking - very little planning - Oh what fun!!!! WooHoo
AAARRRGGGHHH It's a very simple strippy pattern and yet I had problems. Why? Well, I got all the strips sewn together and it was time to square it up and move on to the borders. I struggled and struggled trying to get this thing squared up. I did the best I could, added all three borders and called it DONE. I took it in the livingroom and laid it on the floor and my DH looked at it and said "what happened, I've never seen you miss" - FULLNESS, yes FULLNESS toward the bottom of the strippy part of the quilt. I know exactly what I did wrong! AAARRRGGGHHH. It's done and it'll quilt out! So, I'm only showing you the top half cuz I'm a little embarrassed. :-( So much for simple!!!!!
Thought for today: Let go and move on!
Gratitudes: An evening of sewing; more projects to sew; more fabric in the cupboards, the drawers, the closet, etc.
Monday, August 28, 2006
My "Buzz Words" in 2005 were Simplifying and Downsizing.
My DH and I lived in a two story, four bedroom home with two living areas, a yard, a pool, yada, yada, yada. Well, you get the picture! All of our children are grown and have homes and families of their own so why were we in this house? Ugh! I'd been doing a lot of thinking about how to make things easier for us. We sat down and had a heart to heart talk and decided that it was time to sell the house, eliminate the "stuff" and seek a much simpler way of life. My DH was approaching retirement age and staying in that house meant that he might not be able to retire as soon as he wanted.
In 2004 we looked at some homes in a retirement community and decided that it wasn't the right time and would revisit that later. Well, my DH remembered this community and suggested that I take a look again and see what they had available. The model we had fallen in love with had some improved changes and I fell in love with the house all over again. And, they had a Spec House available and we could move in within 45 days. The house we were in was not ready to be put on the market but I was determined. The next day my DD and I were standing in the garage and my neighbor asked if we were planning to sell our house and if so he was very, very interested. He brought his family over and bought the house! I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason. BTW, this was mid-May and we were in our new home July 4th week end. As we were preparing to move I got rid of so much "stuff" - eliminated the clutter. The relief I felt as I was doing that was incredible.
Our life has changed in so many ways - ways I'm not sure I could describe. Some would say that we have no life; to some we're probably boring but if that's the case then we're happy, boring people. LOL My DH retired on April 15 and now has a more relaxed and content look on his face. A decision like this might not be the right decision for some but for us it was!!!!
That's the story of my simplified and downsized life!
A happier and healthier DH
A simpler way of life
Less clutter and "stuff"
Thought for today: Follow your heart!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006

It's Done :-)
When I finish piecing a quilt top I usually sing "another one bites the dust, another one's done and another one's done and another one bites the dust (boom boom)" LOL It's a bit busy but I really like the way it turned out. I love quilting week ends - don't you?
Why Do I Quilt?
I've thought and thought about this question that Patti posed to everyone late in the week. There are so many reasons but I think primarily because it's a stressbuster. I'm a worrier - my DH says that I worry when I don't have anything to worry about. I think that he's right! LOL I find that when I spend time sewing (machine and/or hand) my mind is at peace and my heart is very happy. I love to spend time in my sewing room and find that I can lose myself in my thoughts about patterns, fabric, more patterns and more fabric. In other words I don't have time to worry and fret. :-) I really enjoy sewing but have been down the garment road and really didn't enjoy that one bit. I was a quilting wannabe for a long time and honestly felt that I couldn't do it. I was attributing it to my frustration with garment sewing. UGH!!!! And, then in 1999 I had a strong desire to learn how to quilt so I visited every quilt store in the area to see how I would be treated as a "beginner". One of the owners of one of the quilt stores actually took me by the arm and showed me the beginner project and then showed me what I could do once I took my beginner class. I was so impressed with the way that she treated me that I signed up immediately and the rest is history. LOL
It's only been recently that I've started doing more handwork (Oh I've always been a needleworker - cross stitch and embroidery) but now new doors have been opened in the quilting world and a new kind of peace has happened. I truly do enjoy sitting and watching my needle pulling thread through the project of the day.
My mother in law once paid me the ultimate compliment "give Darlene a needle, thread and fabric and she can do anything". I can't tell you what that did for me. :-) A paintbrush and I do not get along so I completely avoid those type of activities. I do enjoy crocheting however it's been more than 25 years since I've done that. I won't bore you with the reasons I avoid other interests.
So, in a nutshell I quilt because it provides the peace and simple bliss I need in my life.
Why do I blog?
I discovered blogging when I accidently found Jeanne's blog in June. I'd read a few other blogs before that but I read Jeanne's entire blog and decided this might be the place for me.
Like so many of you I too belong to many e-mail groups and find that I primarily "lurk" - never quite feeling comfortable enough to post. And, when I do post I feel a bit self-conscious. (remember I'm a worrier - LOL)
I'm not necessarily a shy and introverted person however I do find that I'm slow to join. Actually I'm not much of a joiner - I do enjoy spending time with me, myself and I. If I don't join something I don't have to worry about being accepted - yes the fear of acceptance truly exists. Blogging means I can share my quilts and quilt tops and I don't have worry about someone rolling their eyes at my fabric choices or how big or small my quilt is or why I chose that pattern. I just post a journal type entry and hope that those that like I what I did will comment and I try not to worry about those that don't.
Blogging is a place to hopefully be accepted and be part of the "inner circle". I've already made several cyberfriends that I enjoy counting as friends. Blogging is a perfect fit for me and I've truly been enjoying it.
Thank you for letting me share!
Now it's time to search for a new project :-)
The freedom of speech

Week end Project - Teaser This is what I'm working with this week end. The center of the quilt is done and now I'm off to do the borders. Will be done later today. WooHoo!!!! I'll be back later to post a picture of the completed quilt top and to answer Patti's question "Why I quilt" Been giving that alot of thought. I've also been pondering May's question "Why I blog". Lots of thoughts to share later!
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hexagon/GFG Update
I've been stitching away and as Libby predicted, I'm very addicted to these adorable flowers. I've got to decide on a color for the "path" between the flowers. I'm thinking about using the same black tone on tone that I'm using in the centers. Any suggestions???
Thought for today: Wish it, dream it, live it!
Where in the world is Judy? She's been "lost in cyberspace" but now she's right here: http://judylaquidara.blogspot.com
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm in Love!
I've been doing a ton of handwork - applique and grandmother's flower garden blocks and have continued to struggle with threading the needle. (no it's not my eyesight - it's the durn needle - LOL). Anyway, yesterday my DH went to the closest quilt store and picked up one of these needlethreaders for me.
Oh my goodness - it was love at first threading! If you've struggled while threading your needle you simply must run (not walk) to you nearest quilt store and buy one of these. It's a little pricey - $15 - this is why I kept resisting it - but worth every penny. Oh, it's by Clover!
Thought for today: Simplify your life and enjoy every minute!
Gratitudes: Clover Needlethreader; Clover needlethreader; Clover needlethreader and Clover Needlethreader
Monday, August 21, 2006

An Evil Temptress lives in blogland - really she does!!!! LOL If you don't know her then you simply must meet her - her name is Lisa and she lives here. She posted pictures of "fabric porn" today just to tempt me. You see she really is evil. ;-o
Let me tell you about Lisa, The Evil Temptress. We "met" like I've "met" so many others here in Blogland just leaving comments on each other's blogs. We've found that we have very similar tastes in fabrics and patterns so we've chatted a bit. On August 1 she decided that she would join Vicky's Great Fabric Depression and would not buy any fabric. Then it was time for the quilt show in Seattle. Oh No!!!!! She was agonizing a bit about buying while at the show so I suggested that rather than buying for herself she could just buy for ME. (afterall it's all about ME) LOL Well, needless to say, I was teasing her and lo and behold she sent an e-mail asking for my mailing address cuz she'd found something for ME. I couldn't send her my address - what if she was a stalker and just wanted it to come get my fabric. OK, I finally gave in and sent my address and last week what you see in the picture above arrived. It's a lovely package of neutral fat 1/8ths and that adorable card was also enclosed with a sweet note. Here's the kicker - she wants me to make something for HER with that fabric cuz she thinks and believes in her mind that it's all about HER. NOT!!!!! LOL
So consider yourself warned!!!!! LOL :-)
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Quick and Easy
I had plans to sew all day on Saturday! I was able to sew most of the day and then this morning I completed my task. (the quilt on the right). It's for a friend for her birthday on Friday. I'll need to quilt and bind it this week. This quilt reminds of the Turning Twenty quilt - looks really "flat and unappealing" until you quilt it. Suddenly it comes to life! :-) I hope this one will spring to life when I quilt it.
Thought for today: Love what you do and do it with all your heart!
Popsicles and a quiet Sunday
Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Favorite!
I was making up my bed this morning and as I put this quilt at the foot of the bed I realized that it looks a lot like the quilt some are making in the hour a day sewing challenge. I made this one about four years ago and it's definitely a favorite! (of course, it's Robyn Pandolph fabrics LOL)
Thought for today: Everyday should be full of joy!
A full day to sew
Pretty fabric to sew with
Full bobbins
A sharp rotary blade
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lots to share!
Pictures of block #1 and #2 from my BOM project (#3 and #4 have arrived) and my first hexagon rosette.
I've only been blogging for a little over two months and have been having more fun than one person should be allowed to have. LOL
Blogging has provided me with a great wealth of new friends but especially with lots of INSPIRATION. Patti, Vicky and Jeanne truly inspired me to try hand applique and as we all know it's been great fun. Chatting with Libby (A Simple Girl) I was inspired to finally attempt English paper piecing and I'm having alot of fun with that too. If you know anything about me you know that I love handwork - yes I love to do bindings - so these new ventures have provided me life beyond bindings. LOL
Thought for today: Enjoy what you're doing with all your heart!
Gratitudes: my hands, my eyesight, thimble-its (I detest using a thimble), darker thread for my hexagons (looks much better)
(someday soon I'll learn how to add links)
Saturday, August 12, 2006

What's in your sewing box? (sounds like the commercial "what's in your wallet" - LOL)
I love to go sew with friends a couple of times a month but when I first started doing that I would gather up my sewing tools/toys and throw them in a box or bag. You guessed it, I always forgot something. Ugh! So, I bought duplicates of many things and now my sewing box stays packed and ready to go. I use an oversized pencil box to haul the goodies. I would like to have something classier than the oversized pencil box but I haven't found "the" container. Last night I sewed with my friends and looked around at their "sewing boxes" and wondered what do they carry and why.
So, now I'm here asking you -
* what's in your sewing box/bag and why?
*what type of box or bag do you use and why?
Thought for today: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away".
Cooler morning due to overnight thunderstorms and puddles in the streets and on the sidewalks

She was Overwhelmed!
I did a very simple meander and scrappy binding and delivered the quilt to my friend. She was overwhelmed. In fact, my DH says he felt she was speechless. I didn't label it and told her that soon I would get it back from her so I could add a label so she'd never forget who made this quilt for her and she said "oh I'll never forget this". I was overwhelmed then! :-) She refolded the quilt and draped it on the back of an adorable white rocker that she has in her living room.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Red Cabinet
When I first started blogging I shared a picture of my red cabinet in the entry way of my home. I searched high and low for a cabinet like that one just to display my quilts. So there are 50 quilts in that cabinet. Patti asked me to share pics of those quilts so here are the first two - periodically I'll take pictures of them to share! Both are just simple and fun patterns - the quilts make me smile! :-)
Overnight thunderstorm (flashes of lightening in my skylights)
Finding border fabrics on-line for my Anniversary Stars quilt
The bunny that runs between the house next door and ours
Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm Back!!!
I sewed and sewed and sewed and managed to accomplish quite a bit but I usually can accomplish so much more! :-( LOL We didn't start sewing on Friday till 3:00pm so most of the day was GONE- grrrr! There were on six of us on this retreat and it was so incredibly relaxing. We listened to Motown oldies most of the week end so we sang but you should have heard us when "Brick House" came on - oh my goodness we turned it up LOUD and sang LOUD. "She's a Brick HOUSE". LOL
Anyway, I did get my scrappy 30's 4 patch done - I'm going to quilt it soon and it'll have a 30's scrappy binding. It's a thank you gift for a friend who does not quilt and I hope that she'll love it. I put my Anniversary Stars together (I used Cinnamon Stars from Moda) and now I just need to order borders and backing (sure hope I can find them on-line). Everyone was coveting this quilt. LOL And I got all the blocks for my Vintage Patches quilt put together and started laying them out. You'll notice in the picture that the blocks will have gold sashing between them and there will be brown corner stones, too. Very, very vintage and scrappy. I love it! And the fourth picture is my sewing spot at the retreat - lots of great space.
We celebrated my birthday, too while we were there - what a great time we had. They brought party hats, a birthday crown for me and lots of adorable party favors. :-) The owner had a "Better Than Sex" birthday cake for me and all the gifts were incredible. I have very talented and generous friends.
Now, I'm off to visit all your blogs and respond to the wonderful comments you left for me while I was gone. You're all becoming such great friends, too. Thank you!
Safe travel from the mountain retreat
Talented and generous friends
Wonderful new cyber friends
Lots of time to sew