I'm Back!!!
I sewed and sewed and sewed and managed to accomplish quite a bit but I usually can accomplish so much more! :-( LOL We didn't start sewing on Friday till 3:00pm so most of the day was GONE- grrrr! There were on six of us on this retreat and it was so incredibly relaxing. We listened to Motown oldies most of the week end so we sang but you should have heard us when "Brick House" came on - oh my goodness we turned it up LOUD and sang LOUD. "She's a Brick HOUSE". LOL
Anyway, I did get my scrappy 30's 4 patch done - I'm going to quilt it soon and it'll have a 30's scrappy binding. It's a thank you gift for a friend who does not quilt and I hope that she'll love it. I put my Anniversary Stars together (I used Cinnamon Stars from Moda) and now I just need to order borders and backing (sure hope I can find them on-line). Everyone was coveting this quilt. LOL And I got all the blocks for my Vintage Patches quilt put together and started laying them out. You'll notice in the picture that the blocks will have gold sashing between them and there will be brown corner stones, too. Very, very vintage and scrappy. I love it! And the fourth picture is my sewing spot at the retreat - lots of great space.
We celebrated my birthday, too while we were there - what a great time we had. They brought party hats, a birthday crown for me and lots of adorable party favors. :-) The owner had a "Better Than Sex" birthday cake for me and all the gifts were incredible. I have very talented and generous friends.
Now, I'm off to visit all your blogs and respond to the wonderful comments you left for me while I was gone. You're all becoming such great friends, too. Thank you!
Safe travel from the mountain retreat
Talented and generous friends
Wonderful new cyber friends
Lots of time to sew
I'm so glad you had such a good time. All your projects are wonderful! I especially love the stars quilt - that Cinnamon Stars collection was a winner! I bought a fat quarter set of that one, and have many of them set out to use in a future Blackbird ladies project. Your vintage blocks are wonderful primitive colors!
I'm glad you had a great time! & were productive. (I too am coveting the stars quilt...)
Your quilts look wonderful. Such a productive retreat. And the view out the window where you were working looks pretty good too.
They're all just gorgeous. Ahh, that Moda! Gotta love that stuff!
I'm intriqued by your '30s quilt. What a neat idea! Mind if I borrow that to use up the pieces of '30s I have hanging around?
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like this was a very special one indeed!
wow - your retreat reminds me of one of the Elm Creek Quilt camp stories - glad you had so much fun and got so much done
perfect way to celebrate a birthday I would say! great projects and having a great time counts more than being super productive in my book.
Sounds like a great retreat - and just the right number of people. I can't decide which project I like best, so I'll just say they are all great!
Happy Belated Birthday to you!!!
Glad you enjoyed the retreat and you got so much done. Love all the quilts.
Wow, that's a lot of work to complete in one retreat weekend. They all look great, but the stars is the one that really shines for me. Sounds like a fun time was had by all. Happy belated Birthday.
Welcome back. I have been to one retreat and loved it very much and I will go to a next one in november and looking forward to it a lot as it will be also together with my mother.
All your projects look wonderfull.
Seems you had a great time. Hope we do at our quilt retreat in next week. I am supposed to make a song as I always do. This time is has to be a quilting song, since no one of us has birthday this time.
I'm glad you had a fun time! What a wonderful thing- friends, sewing and getting so much done! The quilts are beautiful.
Happy birthday! :-)
Sounds like you had a great time. Lovely quilt tops.
It sounds like you had a wonderful time, and the quilts you produced are just wonderful! Well done!
My goodness you got alot done on this retreat!! Wow no wonder you have that cabinet so full of quilts!
I have a curio that is wasting away and I was going to sell, but we just bought film to darken the side glass so I can safley put my quilts inside and they won't fade!
Glad you had a good retreat. You got so much done! All of your quilts look great. How could your friend NOT like and appreciate getting that sweet quilt.
Oh my gosh everything you worked on during retreat is beautiful, but my favorite is your Vintage Patches! I love those! Is it a pattern or in a book? Not that I couldn't figure it out anyway on my own! Just curious!
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