I hope you'll pop in tomorrow to do a little shopping.
I hope you're having a fabulous Memorial Day if you're in the U.S. and if you're elsewhere I hope you've had a great Monday!
I appreciate your visit - come again soon!
In Friendship!
This beautiful flower is one of numerous blooms on the cactus next door! We're looking forward to more blooms - it's loaded with buds! They can be enjoyed late at night or early morning because as the sun rises they close up.
I wish I had lots of quilting and stitching to share but alas it's been a very lazy week. Sigh!
On a super happy note - there's a new Little Blue in the house - woohoo! My sweet hubby went out last Monday to 'run an errand' and came home with a new friend for me. It's no wonder I LOVE that man - he does spoil me (rotten). teehee!
edit - Little Blue II is a replacement for my Little Blue netbook computer that simply bit the dust last Sunday morning.
I'll be back soon with quilting and stitching to share!
I appreciate your visit - come again soon!
In Friendship!
Webster's definition - to amuse oneself; make merry
You might recall that yesterday was all about me! So, I spent the entire day frolicking in my sewing room - woohoo! My Frolic Layer Cake was precut and I was ready to have an "X-Rated" type of day.
At the end of the day I had the guts of Schnibbles Times Two "X-Rated" assembled - big WOOHOO!!! A trim and a scrappy border will complete this cutie!
edit: It's a BIG Schnibble
I had the most wonderful day - set my TV on Direct TV channel 802 (Malt Shop Oldies) and sang along. It was truly blissful and the type of day I highly recommend - do it today not Someday! If your family can't cook for themselves then order a pizza or hand them a can opener. LOL
The day was made even more special when two Mother's Day surprises arrived - I'll share later.
Thanks for encouraging my ME day - now let me encourage you to have a ME day, as well.
I appreciate your visit - come again real soon.
In Friendship!
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today - sigh!
The laundry is piled high!
The bathrooms need to be cleaned (icky job).
The floors need more than to just be swept with a glance!
The protective coating (dust) on the furniture needs to be removed.
The clutter needs to be cleared out.
All I want to do is sew but when I think about sewing I start to feel guilty because there are others things that need my time and attention. Sigh! So here I sit doing absolutely nothing! Ack!!!!! It's a vicicous circle.
What to do? What to do?
Needed to vent! Thank you! :-)
In Friendship!
When you pop in to visit with me - it makes me smile - thank you!
In Friendship!