I've struggled recently with projects and such! I'm in the hand applique mood and I want to start something new. I've been really rough on myself because I couldn't justify starting a new applique project when I have several already started - kept telling myself that I needed to finish what I have before I start something new. But those projects are not speaking to me right now. Sigh! I have a tendency to be really hard on myself. :-(
Well, this morning I had a HUGE lightbulb moment when I read Juliann's blog. You must go read her "Monday Mindfulness" post - she hit the nail right on the head. Why can't I start a new applique project? Why can't I start more than one? Why can't I do anything I want? Is someone keeping score? And, in the grand scheme of things - does it really matter?
And, I might start another new one later this week once I settle on my background fabric. teehee!!!!
I spent an entire day last week cleaning my sewing room. Now, the counters are clear and I can actually walk into my "walk-in" closet (what a concept - lol).
Thanks for stopping by - come again, please!
In Friendship!
I so agree...why can't we start as many projects as we want? I started a new one today as well!
yes, you have piqued my curiosity! Do tell!! Love Gingham rose, lucky you to still have it!
Good for you! Don't you just love when you realize that you can do whatever you want? I wish I could remember that more often...
Good for you Darlene. I am proud of you!!
Definitely do what you want with your hobby...keep it fun as long as you can...and make up your own 'rules' as you go along...especially having no rules, right?...simply enjoy your quilting doing whatever makes you feel good.
Such pretty fabric Darlene, I'm not one to keep track of which fabric is new. If it says use me then I do no matter how old the design is... Love the block, although I couldn't figure out waht it is. Come on let us in on the secret.
I totally agree, yes of course you can have several project going at once...love the fabric, even if it is old.
Good for you. I tend to have a few projects on the go at the same time aswell.
Love and hugs gina xxx
I'm right there with you! Do whatever you want, whenever you want and take as much or little time as you want to do it! This is fun! Enjoy, Miss Darlene!!!!
You sound wonderful!
hey I got UFOs numbering MORE than 30, but who is counting???
PS I Loved the gingham roses range, I bought HEAPS of it.. enough for the three quilts in this loungeroom alone! haha..
Ahhh.. I'm guessing tulips. :-) REd and green are so wonderful together. Especially this time of year. Go Darlene go! Can't wait to see your blocks. They are going to be beautiful!
I can only work on what I want, unless it's a time sensitive project. I've been known to "gift" unfinished projects to a friend who finishes them for charity. Happy starting new projects.
yes, yes, yes!
Atta Girl.....you can do anything you want to. :) Love the fabric line!
If I had to stick with one project and finish it before I started another, I'd probably STOP quilting. I hate to HAVE to do anything and knowing you have to do it makes me stick my heels in a hate it even more.
SO start away! Go all over the place and enjoy yourself!
Good for you. Maybe you could just peak at the others that aren't talking to you once in awhile. I am sure one will start weighing on your mind eventually and you will want to get back to it soon. But as you said, who is keeping score....
You go girl...do what ever fits your fancy!
I agree we can do what we want when we want to do it. I'm glad you found the inspiration to get started. I can't wait to see your progress.
You go!! I am constantly starting new projects! And Gingham Rose is so wonderful!
Exactly. Why not? Who's grading us? Who are we living up to? Just ourselves. I have so many projects going right now and I work on mostly all of them week to week. Or I put one aside for a few weeks. But I usually never stop and mostly finish them all. Mostly - 95%! Thats pretty good. So yeah, Thats right! Do what we love.
Darlene - when it comes to quilting and our love of quilt making we need to remember that we make our own rules. I have an unknown number of UFOs and I have made my rule that it doesn't matter exactly how many there are. I do go back and work on them when they call to me, but I am not going to let them enslave me. There really are no Quilt Police (at least I haven't seen any yet). LOL
Gingham Rose is a beautiful line. I can't wait to see pics of your new project.
Enjoy starting as many new projects as you want! You have to follow your intuition!
I vote for having tons of projects going!! Can't wait to see what you're working on!
You're exactly right - no one is keeping score on how many projects we have going at one time. Who cares, right? It's so freeing to be able to do whatever you want to do. I don't remember the Gingham Rose fabric line, so I'm excited to see what you're creating!
I love that fabric bundle!! Why not start a new project especially since you're using your stash!!
I so agree...why can't we start as many projects as we want?
They say, we women can multi task.
Who made up the rules anyway!
You do wantever you want..
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