I hope that your Christmas was merry, bright, and jolly!
I was able to finish and deliver Hug Quilts #3 & #4 on Christmas Eve day but this is the first opportunity I've had to post pictures. I need to get #2, #3 & #4 back to complete the bindings and labels.
# 3 - made for my friend who lost her sister this year. Her sister was very fond of dogs so I used a Moda Posh Pooch jelly roll and the Fields of Flowers pattern by Sandy Gervais. It's very blendy but my friend loved it.
I'm very excited that I was able to make all four Hugs Quilts for our friends. And, I'm especially excited to say that all four were made entirely from my stash! WooHoo!
I hope that you're enjoying a relaxing week end plying your needle and thread.
Thanks for stopping by and please come again very soon!
In Friendship!
Special gifts from a special person. They're just beautiful.
All the HUG quilts you've done are wonderful. You have touched many hearts with your generosity.
Congrats on using some of your stash in the process.
Lovely quilts Darlene with special wishes to those who received them - I am sure they were touched! ....and the fact that you used fabrics from your stash is great....have you made a dent in it yet??? I have been relaxing but haven't made it into the sewing room yet...but have plans for this coming week when I am still on leave from work...wish me luck!
The quilts turned out just perfect. I am sure they will all get a lot of use.
Wow - you have been busy. EnJOY
They're beautiful. What a great friend you are. I hope that you have a very Happy New Year.
What sweet gifts. Both quilts are wonderful.
They are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How wonderful that you have been able to spread some comfort and joy with your quilting - they look lovely Darlene!!
It is lovely to see pics and hear from one of the 'givers' of this world - your quilts are gorgeous!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Both are beautiful! What a wonderful thing to do for your friends who have lost so much.
I love HUGS for quilt names...and may have to snatch that for a quilt or two this year. Also it is refreshing to read all made from stash already purchased. I'm guessing with the economy the way it is there will be plenty more of that out in blogland this next year. I know that is my plan!
What wonderful gifts for people whose hearts are hurting. You're a good friend.
Yay! You finished all 4! They are both wonderful (all 4 are wonderful!) But I really love that 30's style one soooo cute. Good job big sis :)
Very nice. You are such a sweety!
thats wonderful that you were able to finish all the quilts in time.
and all from your stash, boy am I impressed!
such a special thing you did this year, touched all their hearts so much I bet
Very generous and thoughtful gifts, sure to bring much comfort to your friends.
Wow! You got all of the quilts done. Good job. I really like the masculine looking quilt. So simple but the fabrics make it look cozy. Something you would want to wrap up in. And all from your stash. That couldn't be better.
beautiful quilts Darlene.......I have plans for the top one myself........
Love the hug quilts. Especially the masculine one. That is a great pattern!
Of course I love the strip quilt on point. It speaks to me. Love that idea. The other is lovely too. Hope you had a good holiday.
These quilts turned out so well!! I love the simplicity of them, beautiful quilts that encourage you to use them!!
The hug quilts turned out beautifully!! How could the recipients not love them? The added bonus was using your stash for making these works of heart.
Beautiful quilts Darlene..
You have touched many hearts with your generosity, and how good was that you used fabric from your stash.
Julia ♥
Congratulations -you did it! Maybe not absolutely completely, but close enough as far as I'm concerned. I know the recipients were thrilled beyond words that you took the time and energy to do this for them. Very well done Darlene!
Hi Darlene,
the hug quilts #3 & #4 are beautiful! Your friends are very lucky to have you - it's so thoughtful of you to comfort them with a quilt!
Happy New Year,
This is what it is all about, how wonderful.
quilting hugs
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