Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm so excited...

and I just can't hide it.
I'm about to lose control
and I think I like it!!!

(gotta love the Pointer Sisters) 

In Friendship!


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I love that song!! And you are such a tease!!!!!!!!! Any hints? :-)

Robin said...

I love love love your new look. It was delightful to click on your blog and see your new header. It's so refreshing and invigorating.

Terry said...

I can just see you dancing around to that! LOL

Vicky said...


Carol said...

I saw the title and thought for sure the post would say why your excited. Please tell us soon.

Sinta Renee said...

What ARE you up to? Possibly the SR quilt along??? I worked in a Disco back in the Pointer Sisters era... thanks for the flash back!

Cindy said...

I was humming that song as I read your title on my blog's sidebar....ROFLOL....great minds - or not.

Just Ramblin' said...

Hmmmm! I'm sitting here trying to decide what is so exciting in your life. Can't wait to hear! And, guess I'll be humming that song all evening. Nola

Anonymous said...

I NO you didn't just toss out that teaser! Tell me!!!!!

Lorraine said...

Looking forward to hearing why you are so excited! I have been catching up on some blog reading this morning and did a double take on your blog makeover ...looking good Miss Darlene :)

QuiltSue said...

Meanie! You just HAVE to tell us quickly.

Carol said...

I'm singing and dancing with you my Friend! I just hung up the disco ball and I'm dancing on the chair!

Karen said...

Your new blog look is super good. How did you do that?

paulette said...

OK...LET'S PARTY!!! Looking goooood!!

Yvette said...


Lori said...

You ARE a big tease!!

Wendy said...

Sooo funny, you are up to something.

Abby said...

What are you so excited about???? Please share soon. I got my bundle - thank you so much! So excited I won something.

Josie said...

Heck... I clicked on your link and thought I'd come to the wrong place! :o) Love the new blog look.. it's so 'happy' Like you by the sounds of it. Can't get that song out of my head now... if I can't sleep tonight it'll be your fault! Luv the Pointer Sisters! Now... what's so exciting?

Ranch Wife said...

Sing it sister! Inquiring minds want to know...

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