Friday, August 09, 2013

Slightly Tarnished Project - Found

When I opened the stash closet door I was prepared to spend a few minutes (or longer) searching for my 'slightly tarnished project'. 
Imagine my surprise when I spotted that 'diamond in the rough' - it was sparkling and taunting me.  :-)
I discovered four Honey Buns of Happy Camper by American Jane for Moda. 
 I had enough background fabric so it was obvious to me; it was meant to be. 

Back in 2010 Carrie of Miss Rosie's Quilt Co introduced a pattern called Short Line using these fabrics. 
Who am I to argue? LOL
 I pressed my background fabric and one Honey Bun and got busy. 
I'm sewing miles and miles and I'll be ready to show some progress tomorrow. 
I hope you consider digging through your stash in search of a 'slightly tarnished project'. 

Pieces parts of my Postage Stamp quilt. 
I'll be working on another section this week end, as well. 
One more thing - September is coming - do you know what that means?
I'm off to enjoy another pieceful day - I hope you're doing the same.
In Friendship!


trish said...

Oh what a treasure indeed. It is impossible to find that fabric now. :0) You lucky girl

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

How fun! I'm sure I could find lots of slightly tarnished projects, but can't find the time right now. Have a happy weekend!

Christine S said...

Can't wait to see what you do :)

Betty Lou said...

What gems you found. Actually I spent this morning in my P.J.s cleaning out an old wicker chest that was full of UFOs, fabrics saved for a specific DATED projects. No real gems were found but lots of things going to the Tag Sale at our lqs
Tag Sale and the Free Table at guild.

Carol said...

YIPPEE! That's going to be a wonderful one! I'm so excited! It will be time for me to get up on my chair pretty soon! I'm cheering you on!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a project thats meant to be ,have a lovely weekend Darlene.xx

Yvette said...

OOOH! Looks like a great project. I am too afraid to open my closet for fear of a bunch of projects falling on my head.

Ranch Wife said...

Now THAT looks like a fun way to spend the weekend! I'm afraid to go 'hunting'. It could be days before I resurface!

Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

Ok. This is a test. Did it work? :-)

Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

One more test.

Anonymous said...

I like that you are stitching and blogging. Hugs!

Vicky said...

That's not a tarnished project! It's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Love that fabric!

I had to think for a bit about what September means! LOL. Are you going to be leading the charge for us?

Quilter Kathy said...

I like that descriptor "slightly tarnished"! I MAY have one or two of those around!!!

Kindred Quilts said...

Slightly tarnished will soon be a shining gem! Sometimes fabric hides from us deep in our closets, knowing the right project will come along someday... then you open the door, and there it is, yelling "pick me!" Can't wait to see the Happy Camper project...

Kigwit said...

Happy Campers is my absolute favorite line by American Jane. I've made two quilts so far and have plans for another two or three. I can't wait to see your project.

Kigwit said...

Happy Campers is my absolute favorite line by American Jane. I've made two quilts so far and have plans for another two or three. I can't wait to see your project.

Carrie P. said...

those honey buns were calling your name. can't wait to see the top.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

great find in that closet of yours. can't wait to see your progress.

Karen said...

What is a tarnished project? A UFO?

Sinta Renee said...

Nice to see you break out with some American Jane! I can't wait to see your perfect project for it!

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