Nada, Nil, Zilch, Zero, None, etc.
That's how much sewing I've done this week - the big goose egg. I have BIG plans everyday to get to busy but nothing happens. This is what happens to me after I finish a project - I have to start thinking about the "next" project and the prep (picking out the pattern, searching through fabric, pressing and cutting - UGH) and I shut right down. If someone would just prep all my projects and line them up for me I'd be a happy camper just sewing away. LOL So, do I have any volunteers?????? ;-)
So, what's the next best thing to no sewing??? Well, shopping of course. tee hee Yesterday my DH and I were going to go shopping for a new TV (decided we needed a larger screen) but he took me over to our largest quilt store first (what a guy!) - QuiltZ and I had a blast. I needed background type fabrics for a couple of possible projects and I found Another Can of Worms and the cute package in the foreground is a bunch of repro type hankies from Moda that I'd been searching for.
I've had a strange computer week - I've been reading my favorite blogs on a regular basis and leaving comments where I felt I wanted to but I've been remiss in responding to everyone's nice comments on my blog. I like to say thank you and chat with everyone a bit but ...
So, this should tell you that it's been a weird week for me and I don't like it. No OOMPH to do anything. BUT, I have been working on my Hexagon Flowers while I watch baseball at night so I guess it hasn't been a complete bust. BIG SIGH!
Thought for today: Sigh!
Gratitudes: Chinese for lunch yesterday (it's so yummy)
Fresh coffee this morning
Cooler morning (still too hot during the day)
When I am being challenged by a top, I cut a new pattern and "kit" it up. Gives me a little break, but then I go right back to working on my current WIP - and when that one is done... I have something new all ready to go! It IS nice to have something just waiting for you...
You've been cranking them out, so maybe it's time to step back a bit. Besides, you're working on the hexagons - so you're really accomplishing things!
Love that dot fabric!
Hey, I'll prep your projects for you if you sew mine for me. I love the fun "prep" stage most and the monotonous sewing stage least. Then I like it again when it's time to set the pieced together into a finished top. It's just that inbetween sewing of the units that usually distracts me from a project. Which would be why I have so many UFOs. LOL!
I had a week with no sewing myself... We'll both be more motivated this week, perhaps? Good luck!
well you have been working on your hexagons so you have been doing something quilty :-)
I have so many new quilts i would like to start but at the moment i am aiming to actually quilt and bind a few before i start on any more.
Don't worry, sooner or later it'll kick in. For me, it took a few months and reading Bonnie Hunter's and Judy L.'s blogs. You never know where inspiration is going to come from.
I like the Can of Worms quilts-all made from strips.
Beginning anew is a stalling point for me, too. Lucky you -- QuiltZ. That is such a nice shop. They seem to have something for everyone. Retail therapy is good for a girl *s*
You are such a fast quilter anyway, so a slump for you is like normal for me! But I too spent my weekend doing almost no sewing...except for playing witht my new baby! Now I have to finish the top of this halloween quilt!
Love the fabrics and I've never seen that book. Is it good?
Wonderful finds at the quilt shop! And you know, we all have those weird weeks and stalls with our sewing! I hit one about every day! :)
I love what you did with those little nine patches. Very creative.
Sometimes I just take a break and work a jigsaw puzzle. Just to ease the tension a bit.........
Sometimes there are just too many things to choose from.
Enjoy that big screen TV.
Oh, I would certainly volunteer, if I lived closer : preparation is my favourite step ! I like it so much that, referring to Evelyn's comment, I've a huge pile of ready cut projects, just waiting for me...
Come on, buy your ticket, have a nice trip, come and visit me ! (lol)
I like the idea that evelyn aka starfishy put forth: to kit up a new pattern. Thanks! /paula
Having the read your posts backwards has me reading this after I see your big pile of beautiful quilts. Maybe you are feeling challenged finding a new project, because you aren't completely finished with your current finished.
If you respond to all the comments one left you, assuming you could as some don't have email addy's available, you would have no time to sew. We all wonder at some point if we should do a blanket thank you or email but that part is entirely up to you! Don't feel guilty if you can't keep up as I bet most people don't expect it--sweet but not expected.
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