Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Time to Thread my Needle :-)

I've been having so much fun! Why? I've been prepping more blocks to applique. WooHoo!!!!!!!

Don't you love my adorable party dresses? These are from Nanette's pattern called "All Dressed Up". You, too, can have this wonderful pattern by just visiting Nanette's blog.

Just need to decide on a background fabric and I'll be on my way. :-)

And another tulip block :-)

I need to add a bird and a couple of hearts. Some of you may recognize my tulips. It's a pattern that I've owned since before I started doing any kind of applique because I fell in love with it.

This pattern is called " Tulip Farm". It was designed by Blackbird Designs and released in 2001.

Thank you so much for telling me your preferred applique method. I hope you'll visit again.

In Friendship!


Nanette Merrill said...

Oh Darlene, they are soo soo cute! Thank you for showing them and talking about my pattern. You are such a dear. It is exciting to see them on your blog.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

The party dresses are super cute - they will look great appliqued.

Susan said...

Hello Darlene. I am beginning Nanette's All Dressed Up too. Choosing the fabric is just too much fun. Love your blog.

Ginger Patches said...

I love those dresses! I ordered the treetop pattern from Nanette and she does such a great job with those patterns!

Sherri said...

Your dresses are soo cute! What fabrics are you using? I get to take this class from Nanette at a retreat in February!

Patti said...

I've always loved that Blackbird pattern - hope to do it one of these days. That and a hundred others LOL!

Wendy said...

The party dress are the cutest, I can see why you'd have fun picking fabrics for each dress. The start of your tulip farm is wonderful, can't wait to see more.

em's scrapbag said...

The dresses are sooo cute. I love Nanette's quilt.

Karen said...

You are really on a roll, Darlene! The dresses are very cute and the tulip devine!

Abby and Stephanie said...

I just LOVE Nanette's dress pattern. So cute.

Eileen said...

Darlene, the dresses are going to be adorable! I have Nanette's new patterns too, and can't wait to try them.
Your tulips are wonderufl.

Shelina said...

Both the dresses and the tulips are so cute! I love the fabrics you chose for the dresses.

Comfort Cove Designs said...

Darlene! Where do you find the time to applique so many beautiful projects!!! I LOVE to applique and you have me inspired to do it again very soon. I might just have to order one of the many applique BOMs I see here online!!! I could probably make a full applique in a year if I do one a month. I can still then keep to my other thousand or more ongoing projects LOL

Quiltingly Yours

Denise Felton said...

Oh, my goodness. This pattern is wonderful, and your execution is perfection! I've scheduled links to this post and Nanette's site to go live on my blog later this morning (Central USA time). Hope it brings you a few extra clicks.


Sølvis blog said...

I love all your applique-blocks.

Anonymous said...

It has been a bit since I've checked your blog....I just love all your past postings of applique and this one is absolutely gorgeous!

julieQ said...

Love this tulip block!

swooze said...

Those little dresses are adorable.

Hanne said...

YOu do lovely applique Darlene :-)

Carrie P. said...

Those little dresses are so sweet. I got the pattern too but have not started. I want to very badly but I am being strong. Your tulip is pretty too.

Betsy said...

dress and tulips are just darling.
I had already purchased the pattern and I made a dress. I just need to make more. Thanks for the motivation.

Nan said...

I am sadly behind on all my blog reading, but it's good to be back! Your applique is so lovely. I know Nanette was thrilled with the dresses you created, and so am I!

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